HP when spawning object
invoke JmpPatch, 00420223h, addr Max_HP
Max_HP1 dd 00420232h
Max_HP2 dd 00420263h
Max_HP proc
cmp ecx,5 ; Check if ID is 5 (Rudolf)
je short HP_10 ; go to the 10 HP part
cmp ecx,52 ; Check if ID is 5 (Julian)
je short HP_10 ; go to the 10 HP part
cmp ecx,55 ; Put your character or object's ID here
je short HP_125 ; go to the 125 HP part
jmp dword ptr [Max_HP2]
mov ecx,10 ; 10 HP for Rudolf's Double and Julian's Mirror Image
jmp dword ptr [Max_HP1]
mov ecx,125 ; 125 HP if you spawn your character or object (normal = 500)
jmp dword ptr [Max_HP1]
Max_HP endp