next: -287 is correct, just makes it turn the other way
file(ba;sdfjla;skdfj) is correct, 12-12 doesn't do anything.
you need to use pic: 10, coz u have row: 5 col: 2 which gives 0~9, and then row: 1 col: 1 gives pic: 10. the pic numbers are not influenced by what's in the parentheses in file(asdf), it's affected by row: and col: only.
file(ba;sdfjla;skdfj) is correct, 12-12 doesn't do anything.
you need to use pic: 10, coz u have row: 5 col: 2 which gives 0~9, and then row: 1 col: 1 gives pic: 10. the pic numbers are not influenced by what's in the parentheses in file(asdf), it's affected by row: and col: only.