09-03-2009, 04:26 PM
Try something like this:
I'm pretty sure I forgot something in here. If I could recall what it was...
If this doesn't work, then try changing IDs of the ball. I know, there is an ID-dependency for this, so if everything fails, you gotta need to mess with those.
pic: 0 state: 3000 wait: 1 next: 1 dvx: 15 dvy: 0 centerx: 40 centery: 41 hit_a: 0 hit_d: 0 hit_j: 50 |
I'm pretty sure I forgot something in here. If I could recall what it was...
If this doesn't work, then try changing IDs of the ball. I know, there is an ID-dependency for this, so if everything fails, you gotta need to mess with those.
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~
"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.
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~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~
"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.
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