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'blink' teleportation
Yes thats right and it works well i cant find any bugs with it but i will use this code:

<frame> 397 telestart
next: 398 dvx: 200 dvy: 0 wait: 0 etc

<frame> 398 telend
next: 999 dvx: 550 dvy: 0

instead of this code:

<frame> 397 telestart
next: 398 dvx: 200 dvy: 0 wait: 0

<frame> 398 telend
next: 999 dvx: -1 dvy: 100
Becouse that dv?: 550 stops all movement in that direction and if you want it to go to the crouch frame after the teleport just use next:
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Messages In This Thread
'blink' teleportation - by Deus Ex Machina - 07-25-2008, 09:10 PM
RE: 'blink' teleportation - by Som1Lse - 07-26-2008, 10:06 AM
RE: 'blink' teleportation - by Deus Ex Machina - 07-26-2008, 10:32 AM

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