(03-06-2010, 07:42 PM)Reaper Wrote: Hey, congratz for finishing this. *Testing*
Lol, fighting against random aka... rudolf
+ quite creative attacks
- stone skin might be useful against bandits, but for VS against fighters with stronger attacks it doesn't help much.
+ good combination of moves against many and few enemies
- too slow to be fun to play with( for me)
lets say 7.5/10 for being very original
He's just supposed to be slow ^^
(03-06-2010, 07:42 PM)Reaper Wrote: Fusej:
- D^A is rather weak, breaks into stones and sometimes leaves a black shadow
- DJA is also weak compared to the others
+ much faster
+ - DvA is cool, but looks strange
+ evading moves
+ fun to play with, good combo potential
9/10 for this one, great to play with, though I don't like DvJ that much. Nevertheless awesome.
Sry, but i ned to lol on that...
The move doesn't leaves shadows, but (as descripted in the Readme) BURIED SHURIKEN, which can again be activated by D^AD. The burrying actually is the reason for the stone rubble spawn.
The strength of his Release move will be increased ^^
(03-06-2010, 07:42 PM)Reaper Wrote: Suikan:
- D>A is casted without glow
+- nice attacks, but nothing too special
+ me and John were casting a disc at the same time and we both hit each other
Hmm, glow for the move? That's something i could even do, added to the update-list.
(03-06-2010, 07:42 PM)Reaper Wrote: Kato:
+ charging up his attacks with fire is very nice.
- shadow in D>J
+- ground on fire is nice, but the sprite...
+ inner fire is good, too.
- attacks are strong but very expensive, too. I rather like to use special attacks more often.
7/10 for this guy.
Ye, the shadows of D>J can't be evaded, since i need to use a 3000 for the hit detection...
(03-06-2010, 07:42 PM)Reaper Wrote: All in all it would be a bit above 7.5/10. I as a single player give you 8/10 because of the great wind char, but it probably deserves even more due to the combo system.
Thanks ^^
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