Demon Archer:
Flaming Arrow: D>A/D<A
+ High jump.
+ Shoot's arrow's faster in air than a hunter.
- Very Annoying Nooby ai.(Not included in beta!!)
Ice Clone:
- No moves.
+ Icy kicks, and punches.(freeze)
- Dies instantly when on fire.
+ Can jump/super_punch/defend out of ice.(UBER BRO!!!, nvm)
+ High throw
+ Stay's as wait: 45 in ice, half the amount

. (makes sense, he is Frozen, he shouldn't stay that wait: 90 frozen)
- Slow.
Fire Clone:
Turn into Fire Ball: D^A: Turn into a fireball and press J to turn around, and D to stop.
+ fiery kicks, and punches.(firen)
- Dies Auto when frozen.(Unless he is hit, the next is 1000, he will disappear after wait: 90 is finished)
- fiery fall damage.(wat?)
+ Can jump out of fire
+ High throw
- Slow.
In lf2 char's new moves and stuff:
D>A/D<A (Changed, More likely to stay in place for some seconds as state 3006 then charging forward)
Piercing beam(500 MANA!!!!!!): DvJ (No, it doesn't kill your enemy's instantly, the first beam part pierces through enemy's)
Blaze Ball: D>J Recolored black Davis ball, does cost a lot of mana tho.
Darkness Ball: D^J Recolored dark silver Freeze ball, doesn't freeze opponents but deals good amount of damage, costs a lot of mana as well.
Swiftness Ball: DvJ Recolored Firen ball, the fastest in the game.
Phoenix Palm: Regular Phoenix palm, boring. D>A
Fire Blast: Just Firen's fire blast, kinda boring to be exact :P. DvA
Lightning Blast: Just a Blast of lighting, I am still working on the sprites right now, It uses Firzen ball frame 2 currently.
Added Annoying Henry AI by Silva
New Weapons:
Titanium Bat: A very powerful bat to bash your opponents with.Its WHITE!!!!!, the power of LIGHT!!!!.
Golden Scythe: A very powerful scythe it ignores armor and defending.Its Shiny too.
Marti and Starsky: For this awesome enjoyable and moddable game.
MH-Razen: For Random Criminal and move after death.
Lord Silva: For AI system, for letting me use the Annoying Henry AI.
Someone Else: For his Datachanger.
Jiquera: For his Datachanger. (Yeah, I used 2 data changers XD)
YinYin: For his Ai tutorial.
Betitngoan: For the template sprites.
JustMe: For the template sprites.
Conqueror: For being a Beta Tester.
Appendix: For being a Beta Tester.
LutiChris: For being a Beta Tester.