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(05-14-2011, 10:13 PM)blow_fly98 Wrote:  blow_fly98 - Doctor

I disagree -.-
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Keep talking right now is useless... It's Nave vs Blow Fly vs Empirefantasy, but we won't have any clues until after the night round (if there is another one). We have 4 votes against Jerkington. Is he dead?

Empirefantasy, two questions:
-Did you got the same PM than Nave and Blow Fly?
-Did you passed it to someone else?

Interesting fact:
I have the feeling that Divisor, Nave and Blow Fly are mafia. But that's just a feeling. That's impossible because that would mean that Jerkington is the sheriff, and he would surely talk... unless Marshall has some kind of mute ability and he cannot talk for the rest of the round, but that would be really weird. Just wanted to say that, in case Jerkington is not mafia and we lose right now :p (but it's unlikely)
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This is hilarious.
Great work to the guys who faked their PM's ;D
You've stirred up a wasp nest, and its gone well!

haha, good luck to you all ;D
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no, i don't have mute abilities o.o
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Well, 4, that is a majority for Jerkington, then.
The staff does not know any mercy. And then they flip the trap door switch.

Jerkington, our poor fella, he was never ever understood and ever so shy to say a word.

Too bad some people found out he was the REAL Doctor.


Actually, he was the real Sheriff.


BUT - Half an hour later a trustful bunch of people found a used weapon in Jerkington's locker, so that excluded him from being anything else than the Mafia Vigilante.

1. Jerkington - Mafia Vigilante
2. empirefantasy
3. Drahcir - Sad Citizen
4. blow_fly
5. Magnamancy - Insomniac
6. Alolectric - Vigilante
7. Apocalipsis
8. Bamboori - Doctor
9. Divisor
10. Nave
11. Marshall
Citizen to Mafia ratio - 4 : 2

-1 Godfather
-1 Mafia

-1 Sheriff
-1 Doctor
-1 Trapper (starting with 3 traps)
-1 Marshall (1 of something...)

Round 3 (night)
The night that ought to end it all - it's all or nothing.
What shall it be?

Decide well, as it will be the last time for this hotel.

A hurricane is closing in...
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Alright, sheriff, inspect me or empirefantasy. I'll Doctor who I think the sheriff is.
I'll Doctor who :D ~ Bamboori
ahehehehehe ~ blow_fly98
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Blow Fly Wrote:Alright, sheriff, inspect me or empirefantasy. I'll Doctor who I think the sheriff is.

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Out of that list, Mafia will certainly avoid killing either Blow Fly, Empirefantasy or Nave. That would just uncover the other two mafias and end the game. So Divisor should check Blow Fly.
At night the people who have chances to die are Divisor, Marshall and me. Doctor can save anyone of us, but I'll trap either Marshall or Divisor room, so if you want to heal any of them there's 50% chances of you dying. And I will still have one more trap if I fail in the next night round (but if the only mafia alive is the godfather I can't help -stupid rules prevent me from killing him with traps-).

Tl; dr: I think it's more wise to save me. I'm confirmed trapper (everyone else claims to be doctor/sheriff/marshall) with two traps.

Whatever you're gonna do at night (if you have intentions of using the last of yours 'something'), have in mind that I'm going to trap your room or Divisor's. Just saying to avoid killing you (if you leave your room).
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when you trap me do you go into my room and uhh... catch me? o.o
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(05-15-2011, 12:55 PM)Marshall Wrote:  when you trap me do you go into my room and uhh... catch me? o.o

Mmm... When I trap a room, I 'decimate anyone who enters it' or something, in concordance with a priority list... I don't know if it affects people who auto-target, but I think it does.

In any case if you are able to survive by yourself or kill a mafia somehow in this night, tell me and I will trap Divisor's room, then if Nave/Empirefantasy/Blow Fly saves me, mafia won't have another choice than killing the real doctor => we get to know both fakes, and as we still have a greater number of people and we know all the mafias, we win after two day rounds.

Edit: Or they can still try to kill Divisor sacrificing the normal mafia member, aka falling in my trap on purpouse. In that case it gets more complicated as we know either Nave or Blow Fly is the doctor, but we don't know who is who and the wrong kill makes us lose.

Sheriff(Divisor): Check Blow Fly.
Doctor: Save me.
Trapper(Me): Trap Divisor or Marshall.

Or provide a better plan, of course.
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Yay, victory!!!11 :D
(05-15-2011, 01:02 PM)Apocalipsis Wrote:  Sheriff(Divisor): Check Blow Fly.

Done and done.

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