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I'd say BP. If he's innocent, Darl's next.
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09-20-2009, 08:15 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-20-2009, 08:15 PM by Apocalipsis.)
... Why we didn't take Snor before? I accused him lots of times. Anyways it's good to know that I was right from the beggining :p
Oh, scared of killing one of the specials, godfather? Thanks mafia for taking out a suspicious person, you helped us a lot ;)
So, it's between Darl, the bot and Blue Phoenix.
Let's face it, all points to Blue Phoenix. Who will kill someone who accused SirFrog, is smart and active? But you made a mistake in the last kill.
Let's say that mafia was scared about killing the specials because of what I said about trapper's work. They could choose between Darl, the bot, Jerkington and Blue Phoenix. Mafia must know that the number of votes in the day round is really important. Darl and Blue Phoenix accuse/vote (almost?) everytime. The bot never does, and Jerkington kinda the same.
Then why taking out someone who doesn't post that much? It's better for mafia if they stay alive. Why they didn't took Darl or Blue Phoenix out? Because one of them is mafia. Darl is being accused more than BP, that's probably why he is still alive. Also I'm pretty sure he is citizien. AND he was godfather in the last round. Really low chances of being godfather twice in a row (but not zero).
Accusing Blue Phoenix.
If I'm wrong then it's Darl, if he isn't then it's the bot, and if the bot isn't mafia then Alec tricked me. But this is really unlikely to happen.
Why you didn't trap a room? Could you please trap my room the next night round (If there is one)? I'm 95% sure that you're the trapper, but if you trap my room I'll be 100% sure.
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Accusing BP...for obvious reasons
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not much of a choice...
-Blue Phoenix
Conspiracy over conspiracies... but who will bring truth to the light?
1. Blue Phoenix
2. Sonidow - Citizen
3. Dome - Citizen
4. Apocalipsis
5. Alectric
6. Phil - Citizen
7. S.I.L.V.A (Self Incinerating Lethal Vulture Android (not to be confused with our Silva))
8. Darl
9. SirFrog - Mafia
10. sadbhav - Sheriff
11. 3rdEnemy - Doctor
12. Nave - Citizen
13. naruto - Citizen
14. snorbet - Mafia
15. Jerkington - Citizen
16. Drahcir
Mafia to Citizen ratio: 1 : 5
-1 Godfather
-1 Trapper
-1 Insomniac
-1 Vigilante (0 bullets)
-2 Citizens
Round 9 (day 4)
the apocalypse is near
03:28 [BluePhoenix] sleep is for weakling.
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09-20-2009, 08:45 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-20-2009, 08:52 PM by Apocalipsis.)
Btw, in case we fail in this day round (4:1), and after mafia kill (3:1), we will still have 2:1 in the votings. That in case SILVA is a citizen, because he never votes. And I was checking the thread and Snor accused SILVA once, and as Snor is mafia it kinda low it's chances a little bit.
Edit: I'm near.
Voting Blue Phoenix.
Edit2: Btw, did it ever happened before that two mafias were one after the one in Don's lists? Yeah, I know, I see random patterns as facts :p
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See my accusation.
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Grand Fonic Hymn - Orchestral Arrangement. Arranged by me. I promise it's not horribad.
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So BP is dead, even if Alec and Blue Phoenix vote against Darl.
Let's see if this ends here or we will have to keep playing...
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Apoc Wrote:I see random patterns If it's random, it's not a pattern.
Mafia helped us by eliminating Jerkington, let's thank the last when we find him.
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