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Mafia (Round 13, retry...)
*ninjaed 6 times over o.0

... we need some 'adorable' smilies.

So, Blue Phoenix got murderized, Drahcir broke his wrist on my command,
and someone's going to get Pawnched for suspecting me?

It's so obvious!!


Bah, I don't know who to suspect.

I would have taken stating who you believe to have a special role so
openly as a way to cover your own tracks, but then everyone did it.

I think the whole Alectric thing is too bandwagony for me, everyone's
just saying he's been random, and too be fair so was Ramond and Blue
at the start... (the whole "you're mafia." "no, thus you're mafia!")

You can't say not saying anything is reason to suspect as mafia, as
(I'm sure) everyone here has a real life, that can get hectic...

I'll vote after I have a bit of a think about it...
Trust you're all well.
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(11-03-2009, 10:56 PM)Magnamancy Wrote:  I'll vote after I have a bit of a think about it...

typical mafia response lol
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Let's just kill Darl, Apoc, Don, Nave, Drahcir, Sonidow, Magnamancy, Jerkington, Alec, and Dome :)
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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(11-03-2009, 10:59 PM)Blue Phoenix Wrote:  Let's just kill Darl, Apoc, Don, Nave, Drahcir, Sonidow, Magnamancy, Jerkington, Alec, and Dome :)

In THAT order ;)

...just reversed and putting dome to the behind
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yah... but in alphabetic order, so I get killed second last

EDIT: Damn! Ninja'ed... and NO!
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@Don again
I'm talking BEFORE the votings, at the accusations phase. Btw, Nave only had one (I think it was your's), when Magna had two, then wtf happened? (It seems like I'm so sure about him being mafia...)

Quote:gotta love the way Nave is playing right now

Is this supposed to be a hint?

Oh, and I would like to toss this back up:

Quote:Now I'm starting to think that in the last votings we had a special and a mafia in.

Edit: Ninja time.
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Nave I know you're citizen

I'd more like to know who's doc and sheriff. PMS PLEASE!

EDIT: REPLY 2000!!!!
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(11-03-2009, 10:59 PM)Blue Phoenix Wrote:  Let's just kill Darl, Apoc, Don, Nave, Drahcir, Sonidow, Magnamancy, Jerkington, Alec, and Dome :)

Lol'd. I'M HOSTING NEXT! =D...if you want a special birthday is coming soon and...

(11-03-2009, 10:43 PM)TheNave Wrote:  I'll acuse Darl just for that nonsense pic

Now,seriously,with what bases are you voting me =<?

BTW: DELETED,it was post 2000 u.u
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We should just kill everybody in alphabetic order... so Alectric is frist...

am acusing Alectric

damn, doubleninja'ed... oh am accusing Darl, too, just because he reasked why I did
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Actually, Phil screwed up, apoc

oh and I vote Magnamancy, i actually kinda more believe you to be right Apoc. I think he's more a mystery than Alec, since that one could still be doc, in a way.
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