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Sprites won't work properly
I'm using Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit and Nvidia GeForce 9500 GT. I tried restarting, no effect. I downloaded the Visual C++ package from the main site, which stopped the glitchy sprites, but you still can't turn left (the sprites stay pointing right). The guy who sold me the new computer warned me that 64-bit won't work with some programs, and LF2 works well on my 32-bit laptop, so that must be it. Thanks for the help, I'll try dual-booting or something.
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Quote:I'm using Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit and Nvidia GeForce 9500 GT
I don't think it's the 64-bit system because it even doesn't work on my pc and i have a 32-bit system.
My graphics cars and yours are nearly the same (GeForce 9600GT/9500GT).
A friend of me has a comp with 32-bit system too and an even-better-graphics card and lf2 doesn't show the sprites corectly too.

It has something to do with the modern graphics card we have but thats just my opinion ...
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(05-18-2009, 10:43 AM)Scorpion Wrote:  It has something to do with the modern graphics card we have but thats just my opinion ...
Strongly opposing this. Our school computers are maybe 6-8 years old and sometimes have problems in displaying the sprites. Do they actually have a graphics card? I don't think so, it's probably an inbuilt one. Anyways, when that old lamer has display probs it's definitely not related to modern graphics cards. I still blame a flaw while loading the sprites. Does the problem randomly occur or is it happening on a regular basis? I've experienced that when I start another application while lf2 is loading, chances are quite high that graphic errors will occur.
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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Quote:Does the problem randomly occur or is it happening on a regular basis?
it happens on regular basis, it never shows the normal sprites when i turn left with my char.
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Some of my friends have this exact same problem? o.O
They are all using either MAC or VISTA, i use PC
YEAH, PC RULES! does it only work on PC?

hmmm...this might be the problem
go to paint and change it to 24 bit (thats normal)
LF2 sprite sheets are 256.bit which chooses exact colors i think?
don't listen to me I'm not an expert on these kinds of things, but try it anyway

[just wanted to say my friends don't like LF2 because they can't normally play it
on a regular basis, is there a way of actually fixing the problem so everyone can experience little fighters?]
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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Ok, here's my prob: The sprites are all damned!!!! I feel like breaking my screen.

I have, Windows Core 2 quad, 4 gb ram, etc, etc. Its an awesome PC (citiation needed). Windows XP, the same one I used in my old pc, but its still all messed up.

I've reintalled exactly 27 times, restarted...I lost count....

BUT!!! only 1.9c and 2.0 work like that. all other mods, versions (except rythem of night) work perfectly.
If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
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What if the computer isn't reading the data corectly or it's just the memory
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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Well, our problem is that the program won't use the correct sprites when facing left, right? Maybe the program is incompatible with something.
sadbhav, I think I have the same problem. Little Fighter mods use the correct sprites, but they won't flip when you turn right, so you always seem to be facing right. LF 2.0 just uses the wrong sprites when facing left, like freezing frames when standing, and they don't flip either.
Thanks given by: sadbhav
mrrandomizer, let me formally congratulate you on precisely finding out what the problem is! **applaudes**

* sadbhav goes into rage mode

Now will any kind soul help me?
If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
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