19POtt92 Wrote:yeah would be cool and... funny ^^
let's see what MH says to this.
about the background: ok, waiting for it, upload a zip with all the next time then I can try...
this pic looks funny, but the size and the look makes me think of this guy is simply a child
For story: well, you escape from prison so you dont really have time to collect an army. Actually in Kingdom LF2 you had three bandits, but I would prefer if we change this - bat will definitly fight with you and never die. And your helpers (which are more to decentralise the fight to give you time to breath) should maybe be better, mercs or so.
For your small image: I dont really want new spritesheets for the version cause they're always not 100% lf2-stylish. Recolorices are.
But some new chars are needed like for the emperor, one maybe new drawn for a monster in last stage, and for a magician you meet in the forest and stuff...
this child could be used in city, maybe if you go through city you go through a lively part where you can do some fun stuff
not sure, many ideas for city, but nothing coded yet...