08-13-2008, 12:26 PM
@Lauli: If you go on terms of aura, deep and woody can be bros too.
If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
LF2 (What's your take on the story?)
08-13-2008, 12:26 PM
@Lauli: If you go on terms of aura, deep and woody can be bros too.
If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
08-14-2008, 12:36 AM
(08-13-2008, 12:26 PM)sadbhav Wrote: @Lauli: If you go on terms of aura, deep and woody can be bros too. That's true but they look nothing alike. But, still, that's just my opinion. Maybe they just have the same fighting style but they just use it in different ways. Ex: Woody shoots energy through his hands and Deep shoots them through his sword.
Escape is a two-syllable word that grants temporary peace in the present to a future victim.
08-14-2008, 09:36 AM
(08-14-2008, 12:36 AM)Zabobula Wrote: Woody shoots energy through his hands and Deep shoots them through his sword. It might just be that they trained in different circumstances. MY STORY: It starts with Davis, Dennis and Woody. They were brought up in a place ruined by Bandits(including hunters). The leader of Bandits is Mark. Those who defy the laws of Julian are put in a prison. And that prison is entrusted to clones of Little Fighters. In the prison, the Little Fighters overcome there evil clones and kill them. But Julian manipulates the mind of a fighter Louis, gives him more power to become lot more stronger and faster.With an army of his evil sorcerers. he lets him take over the monks with whom Louis and Henry trained. But when the fighters defeated Louis too, Julian manipulated three fighters John, Firen and Freeze to take over queen's island. With the help of John's magic they(Firen and Freeze) learn to fuse (without losing any energy in the end to defuse). But when Firzen is defeated they get the way to a forbidden tower believed to be a place of monsters till then. There they find an enemy of Davis, Bat who was defeated by him earlier. While fighting Bat Julian has aquired all the energy to finish the fighters once and for all. Bat realises his evil and joins the Little Fighters along with Louis and Firzen(Now released out of Julian's impact) to kill Julian in the end. ![]() My new character VK.
08-17-2008, 02:39 PM
The following are characters from Tai Hom Village (these are the good guys):
1. Davis Davis is a young fighter with a lot of drive. He is very strong for a man of his age, which explains why his fists pack such a punch. Despite his young age, he has quite a lot of experience in fighting. He is the youngest brother amongst him, Dennis and Woody. 2. Dennis Dennis is a very calm, cool and disciplined man. While physically not as strong as his brothers Davis and Woody, his kicks are amazingly fast and powerful. 3. Woody Woody is the eldest of the 3 brothers. He is the most experienced and versatile fighter of the three, though the three of them are even in overall ability. 4. Rudolf Rudolf is a descendant of a family of samurais and ninjas. While having mastered the samurai swordsmanship of dual katanas, he has also learnt the secret ninja steps. Altogether, this makes him a complete warrior who has speed, agility and stealth in his mastery. 5. Henry Henry is a talented archer. A calm, relaxed figure, Henry never misses a shot. Henry takes an interest in playing the flute, and he is often seen playing his flute in his free time. However, not many knew that he was in fact the son of an angel... 6. John John is an energy mage. Harnessing the powers of pure magical energy itself, John can conjure various magical objects and even use it to cure wounds. He is Jan's brother. 7. Deep Deep is a master swordsman. With his fiery temper, strength and his specially forged blade "Lion Edge", Deep mows through his opponents as though they were grass. 8. Jack Jack is a handsome young man, brought up in a relatively rich family which went poor for a period of time. During his poorer days, he spent his time with the peasant townsfolk and this hardened him as a person instead of being a pampered. That is where he picked up his own fighting skills by driving away the bandits. He has a brother Justin. There are other rich men who have also learnt some fighting skills. Some chose to use them for a good cause, others wanted to bully the townsfolk and had not only bodyguards but martial arts to protect themselves. 9. Jan Jan is a sorceress, sister of John. She is a very talented healer. Let not her pretty face and beautiful figure deceive you ; in actual fact, she was created when the spirit of a demon and the spirit an angel fused together, along with that of Jan. This makes Jan an incredibly powerful spellcaster, even surpassing John's, but she hasn't mastered the full extent of her abilities. In other words, Jan's powers have always been with her since she was born, and it was not learned overtime. There are other females who have learnt such arts. Some of them sought to help the Little Fighters, others chose to follow the dark path to gain more power. 10. Monks Monks are religious shaolin kungfu masters. As a result of their training, they had incredible strength and endurance and even have the ability to call upon their qi force to send forth a deadly shockwave. Most monks are good at heart, but there is one monk who was corrupted by Julian's influence because he had a weak heart. (He's the only enemy monk in stage mode, who resides in Stage 5-1, the forbidden tower) The following characters are from the Lion Forest (bandits): 1. Bandits These common men are just cowards, robbers and weaklings on their own. Though most of them are quite weak, there are a few who are quite strong fighters. (This explains one reason why there are other "hero" characters appearing. They are just stronger bandits.) However, not all of these bandits are under Mark. Some of these Bandits were tied up and hated Mark for that. Some are merely fighters who serve Julian's will (because they are criminals who serve whoever is strongest), and there are also some Tai Hom villagers who willingly try to fight against Julian's forces. 2. Hunters These men are amateur archers welcomed by Mark. Again, not all of them are weak. (This explains one reason why there are other "Henry" characters appearing. They are just stronger Hunters.) Not all of them serve Mark. Some are Julian's own army's archers, while others are the village archers from Tai Hom village. 3. Mark Mark is a ruthless criminal, a man of large size and great strength. The leader of Bandits as well as a big bully, the Tai Hom villagers hate him and have placed him as a wanted criminal, but not many dare to fight, or even could match Mark's fighting ability. Of course, Mark is not the only muscle man. There are some really strong villagers in Tai Hom village, probably bodyguards or miners. Julian of course, have some of them under his command. The other characters: 1. Sorcerers No doubt there are some sorcerers around. They have learnt magic from various mages, not necessarily John, perhaps even Firen or Freeze. They are the jack of all trades, but the master of none. (This explains one reason why there are other "John" characters appearing. They are just sorcerers who learnt pure energy magic.) 2. Firen and Freeze The twin brothers of fire and ice, sons of Firzen, residing in the Queen's Island (home of Firzen) as the twin guardians and protectors of the valley. They were very close brothers ; sparring with each other, eating together, and so on. They have a small army with them from groups of people whom they chose to be trained under them. (This explains one reason why there are other "Firen" and "Freeze" characters appearing. They are just sorcerers who have learnt pure fire magic or pure ice magic) Firen and Freeze are, in fact, two split clones of Firzen. They are not humans ; they are elemental creations. When they fuse together as one, they unite to become a second Firzen. (This explains why you fight Firen and Freeze in Stage 4-4, and Firzen in Stage 4-5.) 3. Firzen The legendary master of fire and ice. This man is no human ; he is an immortal, or to be exact, a demi-god. He once ruled over the Queen's Island. However, when Julian invaded the Forbidden Tower, Firzen attempted to stop Julian. His attempt failed however, and he was defeated. The triumphant Julian grabbed the greatly weakened Firzen and corrupted him with much evil energy, and became just a servant of Julian. (This explains why you fight Firzen in Stage 5-4.) 4. Knights Knights are giants of men, who are taken from birth and trained to become fiercely loyal warriors. Because of this, they are considered superhuman. These heavily armored warriors do not question their authorities, and follow strictly the orders they are given. Originally they are the Little Kingdom's finest warriors under the rule of a king, but now with the Forbidden Tower taken by Julian, the knights now obey only the direct orders of Julian. Some of these knights were trained differently ; instead of holding a sword and a shield, they harness energy and use martial arts. (This explains one reason why there are other "Louis" characters appearing. They are just knights who learn a different form of art.) Mark became a Knight shortly after his defeat in the Lion Forest, in hopes to achieve power and take revenge against the Little Fighters. 5. Louis / LouisEX Louis is the crown prince of the Little Kingdom. However, when Julian took over the Forbidden Tower, Julian killed the king and corrupted everyone in the castle, including Louis. Now, Louis is made the commander of the Knights. Louis is gifted with the power of the Thunder Phoenix. His armor is an ancient piece of armor handed down for generations. The crystal holds much of such powers. The armor wasn't just any ordinary armor ; the breast plate was in fact, a legendary weapon ; The Phoenix Trident. Louis is actually superhuman as a result of the Thunder Phoenix powers. Its just that his armor slows him down, a lot (only Louis could wear that armor). 6. Bat Bat is a vampire. He once was a fighter who fought against Julian, but he was defeated. He managed to escape Julian, but he did not escape his curse. Bat fled into a cave and died due to the curse which sucks life from him. Due to the curse, Bat would resurrect again. Since this cave was filled with bats, the resurrection infused the element of bats into Bat, and he became the vampire he now is. He returned to serve Julian due to Julian's strong dark influence. 7. Justin Justin is Jack's brother. During the the rich family's poor days, Justin and Jack had to live among the common townsfolk. It was during this time, when Justin grew to become ruthless as he had joined the bandits (but Jack did not know until much later). Eventually, Justin disappeared, and Jack thought he had lost him forever. In truth, Justin was consumed by the influence of Julian. Learning the dark arts, Justin became one of the evil dark fighters under Julian. He is the strongest amongst all the dark fighters. 8. Julian Julian was a ruthless criminal, just as Mark was (note that Mark's gang is not the same as Julian's gang). He was finally defeated by the combined effort of the villagers and his body was buried in a cemetery. However, not long after, Evil itself wanted to take over the Little World. It needed to take possession of a host. It chose Julian, who was one of the most powerful fighters ever known. Quickly, dark energies seeped into the dead Julian, and corrupted his body. When Evil itself finally took full possession of Julian, Julian arose once again, as a demon. The mask was a symbol of Evil, which represented Evil's face, which was too evil for anyone to see. (This is why Julian and his "Justins" wear the mask) The dark fighters are either corrupted people (like Justin), evil shadows/clones/demons or the criminals who were under Julian during their life times. Story: The Little Fighters were chasing the bandits into the forest from Tai Hom village. As they went deeper, they found things going amiss and decided to investigate. In the mean time, they came across Mark and defeated him. But shortly after, Louis and his Knights ambushed them, arrested them and threw them into Stanley Prison. The Little Fighters managed to escape thanks to Rudolf's ninja skills. They also defeated Bat and his guards, who were supposed to prevent anyone from escaping. They had to go over the Great Wall of China (which is actually one of the Forbidden Tower's fortifications), where they encountered Louis once again. This time, there was a hard fight, but they managed to defeat Louis. The Little Fighters decided to seek help from Firen and Freeze, only to discover that the Queen's Island was under attack. When they did find Firen and Freeze, Firen and Freeze treated the fighters as hostile and challenged them. They finally joined the fighters after the fighters defeated them, and proceeded to the Forbidden Tower (Firen and Freeze split up from Firzen form before joining them). A great battle was fought between the fighters (and their gathered army) and Julian's army. The fighters were fighting a winning battle and managed to infiltrate the Forbidden Tower. The key servants (Justin, LouisEX, Bat, Firzen) under Julian made a retreat to protect the tower from the fighters. In the tower, the fighters encounter Mark, who transformed into a knight and challenged them once again, with a legion of his new comrades. Shortly after Mark's final defeat, the fighters encounter Bat. Bat's final defeat led to Bat realizing what was happening and broke free from Julian's influence, and joined the fighters. Together, they fought Louis. Halfway through the battle, just as they thought they had won, Louis showed his true powers as LouisEX. After a hard fight, Louis too, was defeated and also broke free from Julian's influence. Together they fought the true Firzen. The true Firzen was defeated, and he too broke free from Julian's control. Now, with the entire army gathered, everyone fought valiantly against Julian and his ever-spawning legion of evil fighters from a dark portal. Through combined effort, Julian was finally defeated. The mask was destroyed, and Julian's body is all that is left. The world was once again free from darkness. To prevent this from happening again, Julian's body was destroyed and its remains sealed off. ![]() ~Spy_The_Man1993~ Steiner v3.00 (outdated), Challenge Stage v1.51 Luigi's Easier Data-Editor, A-Man's Sprite Mirrorer Working on the LF2 Rebalance mod. Avatar styled by: prince_freeza
08-17-2008, 03:22 PM
An excellent story. And the longest too. I could prevent myself from reading it to the end.
![]() My new character VK.
08-17-2008, 03:38 PM
STM1993 Wrote:7. DeepDude, "Lion Edge" sounds so damn awesome ![]() Really, very very nice ideas on the story you've came up with ![]()
08-17-2008, 03:44 PM
wow, that story is just awesome!
Theoretically we need to do a story-stage for the original LF2, your ideas are amazing ![]()
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~ "Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably. » Gallery | » Sprites | » DeviantArt
08-18-2008, 08:46 AM
Yeah, playing the stage without a story makes it a bit boring sometimes. If there is a story for original LF2, it would just be great.
![]() My new character VK.
Yeah so I was looking at this thread and HOOOLLY CRAP where did that large story come from? lol, I had to point that out. But that was freakin awesome. I agree with "Lion's Edge" two. That sounds like uber p00nage!
That's some imagination at work for you. Very good STM. It makes me wonder, if I should post my large story idea. Well...maybe on the next page. EDIT: <= (You might be seeing this alot. I really like STM's story and I have to say more about it.) I like the idea that Jan and John are brothers. That's actually a good take. Bat is a little two obvious. A vampire. Thunder Phoenix OMFG this is too much. If I learn how to use flash a little more, Little Fighter would be a freakin movie. Not to mention LF Apha (which imo, isn't that great. sry It's good but I'm Notta big fan)
Escape is a two-syllable word that grants temporary peace in the present to a future victim.
08-28-2008, 03:10 PM
I think Henry is something like the keeper of the Forest you know something like Robin hood.
I see Freeze as someone who likes to be on his own and train , but if he really needed he would die for his friend and he's smart. Firen looks to me a bit like a fun making guy and who doesn't take anything serious |
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