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RaMafia (round 1 - end)
Fine, I'll join
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The moment Nave starts mocking me I will un-join!
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The moment you un-join I'll delete my RPG programm and won't ever do anything similar again

Ramond edited this post 04-23-2015 07:26 PM because:
:p No comment
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Can we start the game already? .-.''
Don't think anyone else is gonna join
[Image: icVLlMk.png]
Thanks given by: Ariel
Begin if enough players?
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round 2 shall start ^_^

  • TheNave
  • Hellblazer
  • Jernemies
  • Apocalipsis
  • LutiChris
  • Dr. Time
  • Ramond
  • empirefantasy

  • Serial Killer[weaker]
  • Mafia Roleblocker
  • Mafia Tracker
  • Town Vigilante
  • Townie
  • Townie
  • Townie
  • Townie
  • The Mafia have no Night Kills.(only when one of the mafia players is down, the one that's left may kill another player in return)
  • In a 1-1 endgame between the Mafia RB and a killing role the Roleblocker wins.
  • In a 1-1 endgame between the Serial Killer and Vigilante, the Serial Killer wins.

New Roles
Serial Killer[weaker]
win if only he is alive (or if nothing can prevent the same).
-Once per night may target a player, thus killing them.

Mafia Tracker
win if at least one member of your group is alive and all other players are dead (or if nothing can prevent the same).
-may target a player to be tracked, thus discovering who that player targeted in the same night phase.
will receive a Private Message from the moderator containing [Name(s)] or [None].

Mafia Roleblocker
win if at least one member of your group is alive and all other players are dead (or if nothing can prevent the same).
-may target a player, thus blocking all role traits for the current night phase.
The targeted player will receive a Private Message from the moderator containing [Blocked].

win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.
-Once per night you target one player to kill.

1st Day Phase shall start
[Image: p45mycA.png]
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mafia's chances are slim in this one, curious how it turns out
betting on serial killer this time :p
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ok i am posting this time too early, just not to be silent :p
lol looks like mafia lost the ability to kill and now they have the cop and blocker role :p while the vigilante makes townies side more killful :p
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Nave my revenge will be very sweet.

Very sweet indeed.

Also I vote empirefantasy he seems to be a little too silent compared to the others
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