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Rate Avatar/ Signature Game
9/10 Oh god, this avatar is great!
7/10 I'd delete the cat. It's kinda nice, but destroys the design. Something like that.
Thanks given by:
ava: get one.
sig: 8/10 still fresh, but gets old
Thanks given by:
Ava: 9/10 Well simpled and cool :o
Sig: No internet? Poor man!
Might be back, might be not :^) anyways awesome to see you guys again!
Thanks given by:
7/10 Nice pic, but is there any particular reason to hide the other 3/4 of the face?
8/10 Cool logo!
Henry David Thoreau Wrote:
Let your life be a counter-friction to stop the machine.
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8/10 this avatar creeps me... looks like tarzan :P

9/10 char is nice
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Ava: 6/10 yea the frog holding the cube looks awesome... But i recommend changing u ava every once and a while.

Sig: ??/10
"I'm the president of the shadow government
The grand governor of the federal reserve
Public enemy of the society
The one you cannot see the thirty three degree"
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8/10 imho the head should be more right.
8/10 good one

i wanna change my avatar but i dont know too what
Thanks given by:
8/10 I like that avatar. Its still nice whether you change it or not.
2/10 Plain text.
Age ratings for movies and games (and similar) have never been a good idea.
One can learn a lot from reinventing wheels.
An unsound argument is not the same as an invalid one.
volatile in C++ does not mean thread-safe.
Do not make APIs unnecessarily asynchronous.
Make C++ operator > again
Trump is an idiot.
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8/10 omg devil egg army eggs
8/10 nothing more to say than organised.
[Image: abstractdaad.png]
Graphic Stuff|Tania|Indo Fighter|Sprites|Comics|
News of my days: My graphics skills will go better. Eventually...
Thanks given by:
Avatar: 5/10 the glow's pretty weird and it looks like he is giving us the finger, but still pretty cool :P

Signature: 6/10 nice colour palette, but it is very hard to read what it says :D

TITLE: a idea
make cave for bear?
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