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Me, blow, bp and alec are innocent, means possible mafia suspects are somin, hacker, frog and drahcir…
Ramond never choose somebody who plays the first round for mafia, like drahcir, so i think he's innocent, top
that leaves somin, hacker, sirfrog... frog is always overreasoning and randomly defending himselfe, which is totally not like him, if you remember his last rounds, he was always one-word-post-like postong his accusations... and now BAM, walls of text everywhere, im pretty sure he's mafia
this only leaves the question, somin or hacker, well both voted for jerkin, though simon did that earlier, when hacker voted it was sure that he dies anywaya... plus hacker extremly overreacted that last post... plus plus, somin voted for frog this round... so i come to the conclusion that both hacker and frog are mafia
hacker is vigilante btw
Ps: sorry for so much typos, wrote that with my phone ;)

Ramond edited this post 08-20-2010 12:54 PM because:
I'd like to add that Drahcir has played in at least 50% of the Mafia rounds on these forums.
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normally the dead don't speak.. but i have to hit you.. if you would remember correctly.. sirfrog and me did have a verbal fight last round with thousands of words per post (both being mafia at that time trying to defend eacht other) but now he has no reason to fight with anybody, truely this is a different set up. its not like i want to defend him or anything. But when you want to accuse somebody basing on their way of writing things you seriously have to put much more effort into this.
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
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(08-20-2010, 08:15 AM)blow_fly98 Wrote:  Take that Hacker. What do you have to say now?

Yeah right.
I am the viligant. rolleyes
and as my last Action i will get myself a gun and shoot myself in the Head. Facepalm
Better than get hanged by you guys.
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Did you hear that Ramond? Hacker has just committed suicide. Please reveal to us his role (unless it is the Mafia Vigilante) and we shall continue discussion on who to lynch.
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You can't commit suicide in Mafia :P

Also I'm having trouble counting all the votes, because people keep naming different people.

Please, for future reference, include your vote in bold, thanks.
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I have a question Nave.

(08-20-2010, 10:59 AM)TheNave Wrote:  hacker is vigilante btw

How did you come to that conclusion?

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TheNave Wrote:so i come to the conclusion that both hacker and frog are mafia

Ramond Wrote:Remaining Roles:

-4 Citizens
-1 Sheriff
-1 Doctor
-1 Trapper

-1 Mafia Vigilante (1 bullet

Epic math fail.
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"Do not grieve, it is logical. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one."
- Mr. Spock
"A man's not dead while his name is still spoken"
- Terry Pratchett, Going Postal
Thanks given by: Alblaka , ~Dome~ , Dr. Time
Yeah right nave.
Your accusations are that true...
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Anyway, I'm going to say Hacker.
That seems like a serious overreaction up there, with no evidence whatsoever. I mean, accusing Nave of not wanting people to think?
I'm willing to bet that SirFrog is innocent for now. If it turns out Hacker is innocent, Blow Fly, investigate SirFrog during the night round.

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Grand Fonic Hymn - Orchestral Arrangement. Arranged by me. I promise it's not horribad.
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If you don't react at all = Mafia
If you react too much = Mafia
If you throw in Accusations with a pseudo Basement (ex. Somin voted for Sirfrog and in my Argument Sirfrog is mafia so Somin is innocent!) = You're the best Citizen in the World.

Srsly it seems like i can't do right :P
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