(10-14-2011, 01:34 PM)Men'Mine Wrote: i know someone from DA always twists the Horizon
Dw, genzoman isn't the only one that hates straight horizons,
MartaNael or
Cryptcrawler, for example, tend to angle them as well :P
Also, I like non-straight horizons, they give a little more dynamics.
Anyways, pretty cool drawing, Gad. I'd give the metallic parts some sharp highlights and reflections. Plus, maybe shift the hue of the cyan orb more into blue as it's generally fairly hard to properly color stuff with pure cyan. As for the values, there could be a little stronger contrast between the legs, especially his left calf, and the background. Just turn your image into grayscale to see where additional contrasts work best
Yeh, that's pretty much everything I can spot right now
Not bad, keep it up!