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Real-Life pics of you

Imma a zombie.
Thanks given by: Jahvansi , Sonic Boom , Gespenst , qwertz143
spring-haircut ;)

[Image: 540099_374873259200930_100000347762858_1...1893_n.jpg]
Thanks given by: Sonic Boom , Gespenst
[Image: 385751_254801007946377_100002494388158_5...6387_n.jpg]
dats ma spring haircut
@^&^2x, nice
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
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typical saturday, hanging out with my budd, shoting lazors out of my eyes...
[Image: szxt9z.jpg]

EDIT: NAAW its right from eyes, im putinh my glasses up right there, maybe that fooled you? tough... epic sneez....

Ramond edited this post 06-26-2012 06:58 PM because:
looks more like your nose though lol
love the weather :)
[Image: ade2edc703.jpg]
[Image: Link.jpg]
| Arcanis | Dome | Kai [-finished-] | Drawings |
Avatar was made by LutiChris

active again.
Thanks given by: LutiChris , koori , Jahvansi , Sonic Boom , qwertz143
Since Elias is never coming back, i thought u guys might like to know what he's been upto
He's in Puerto Rico right now for his spring break and his mom took pics of him with his sis
[Image: 560184_194447267338094_100003184653278_3...6748_n.jpg]
[Image: 543140_194446447338176_100003184653278_3...5729_n.jpg]
why isn't he coming? - Simoneon

Simoneon edited this post 04-14-2012 05:59 PM because:
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
Thanks given by: Simoneon , A-Man , Dr. Time
[Image: 306131_3275653182632_1606547684_2694849_831137134_n.jpg]
Yeah, I juggle.
Henry David Thoreau Wrote:
Let your life be a counter-friction to stop the machine.
Thanks given by: Sonic Boom , Bamboori , Lauli , Jahvansi , A-Man , qwertz143 , Dr. Time
Awesome, Jed37!
Hey, do you happen to have a video of yourself juggling a little? I'd love to see how you... well... how you juggle.
Thanks given by: prince_freeza
(04-14-2012, 04:57 PM)prince_freeza Wrote:  [Image: vkcm4.jpg]
back to crazysatanicbaldmilitairysummer haircut :P
cool haircut!. love to c it on my head.

[Image: signature.png]
A-Engine: A new beat em up game engine inspired by LF2. Coming soon

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(04-15-2012, 11:23 AM)Lauli Wrote:  Awesome, Jed37!
Hey, do you happen to have a video of yourself juggling a little? I'd love to see how you... well... how you juggle.

D'aww, thanks.

Mouse over the text below that picture! :)
Henry David Thoreau Wrote:
Let your life be a counter-friction to stop the machine.
Thanks given by: Lauli

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