Got to 39 CRAZY! as Woody. Highlights (eh):
(don't remember this from Dixon's list)
Funny story: right after this, I thought, "No way am I attempting to break this record. I can beat 39, but it'll just be to lose on 40, where you have to fight Firzen and Julian at the same time, each having 1500 HP." But I must have changed my mind in the night, because the next day I was just itching to do Woody CRAZY! Survival again. I felt like I was going to play super well. And by god did I play well! I was in the zone!
Anyway, I messed up on wave 29 and subsequently 30, so I only got to 30, but I include it anyway because I think it's a much more interesting recording than the 39 one (unless you're interested in me failing to run over and over again ^^).
Oh, and please change my name to Zort, not ZortLF2. ZortLF2 is just an account name I use when 'Zort' is taken.