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Blue Phoenix's sprites
Yup, that's right. I have finally felt the urge to open up my own sprites-thread. Probably due to the fact that I'd like to have them all in one place rather scattered around all different threads. Therefore, the old ones shouldn't be strikingly new (or, they're that old that you can't remember them :p). However, when I get bored and don't like to paint environments, space-stuff, and whatnot, I create sprites. And those are now going in here as well :D

» Better Sprites
The sprites that I personally like and/or think they're of higher quality than the rest. (Click to View)


» Revamps
Character-designs from others that I have tried my hands on. (Click to View)


» Older sprites
Characters that I feel are not up to my current standard anymore. (Click to View)

Enjoy :)
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

» Gallery | » Sprites | » DeviantArt
Fascinating! I didn't know u can sprite that good. Just awesome. They look more like paintings than sprites!! Good job!
[Image: signature.png]
A-Engine: A new beat em up game engine inspired by LF2. Coming soon

A-Engine Dev Blog - Update #8: Timeout

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Mr. Bean for the win : )
[Image: variaboss.png]
Thanks given by: qwertz143
That stuff is awsome.
You should start to create your own lf2 mod, ofcourse, you need time for it.
But i guess someone can buy some time for you:D
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
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so this is the level of one of admins LFE :) for sure everybody will write here only positive comments, so i'll be different (ofc i also like your works :)), but some critics: just my opinion, but i don't like so much your "human sprites", like mr. Bean, or vampire, they looks kinda too much like painting (maybe other members like this style), but sprites like robot, phoenix, or this collab work are just incredible, similar like wings of death and Julian(?). i definitly would like to see MOAR

Thanks given by: Marko pro
Real vampires sparkle!


Really nice sprites. I've always been a fan of how you make fire, and your shading! But the human (even though lf2ish) proportions needs more practise.
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Multiquote ahoy!

(06-23-2012, 07:46 PM)A-MAN Wrote:  They look more like paintings than sprites!!
That's probably my greatest weakness. I tend to overdetail these sprites. Something that isn't necessarily a good thing.... :p
Nevertheless, thanks a lot :)

(06-23-2012, 07:59 PM)EXG9 Wrote:  That stuff is awsome.
You should start to create your own lf2 mod, ofcourse, you need time for it.
But i guess someone can buy some time for you:D
Haha, I'd love having time donated :p
However, I am afraid that, considering the time it takes to do one sprite, doing something like a full char or even a mod is virtually impossible...

(06-23-2012, 08:26 PM)The Hari Wrote:  so this is the level of one of admins LFE :)
As you can see, I didn't become admin due to spriting... :p

(06-23-2012, 08:26 PM)The Hari Wrote:  for sure everybody will write here only positive comments, so i'll be different
Just because my name is in red doesn't mean I don't like to hear crits. Quite the contrary, great to have somebody that points out flaws! :)

(06-23-2012, 08:26 PM)The Hari Wrote:  they looks kinda too much like painting (maybe other members like this style), but sprites like robot, phoenix, or this collab work are just incredible, similar like wings of death and Julian(?). i definitly would like to see MOAR
YOU SHALL GET MOAR! soon.... :p
Yeah, as said, my regular approach usually goes beyond 2-3 values. I am going to try to sprite in 79x79 to kind of limit myself on not putting that many details in there. Curious as to how it'll turn out :)

(06-23-2012, 09:59 PM)Simoneon Wrote:  Real vampires sparkle!
Sooooo tempted to swing the banhammer for that.... :p

(06-23-2012, 09:59 PM)Simoneon Wrote:  the human (even though lf2ish) proportions needs more practise.
Alright, noted. Will spend more attention on that with the next sprite ;)
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

» Gallery | » Sprites | » DeviantArt
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BP is the darn MASTER! hOW 'bout you decrease the shape of the face of Mr. Bean. Looks like french beans lol.
[Image: icyboards-ad-468x60.gif]
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O_o Super like!!! I really like teh Famine..the contest entry..
~ alphafighters

New Mod being developed by me :-
Little Fighter Legacy (Click to View)
[Image: ubd7694.png]

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(06-24-2012, 06:41 AM)Electric Shock Wrote:  hOW 'bout you decrease the shape of the face of Mr. Bean.
I'm not quite sure about how to "decrease a shape". Could you be a little more specific, please?

(06-24-2012, 03:33 PM)alphafighters Wrote:  O_o Super like!!! I really like teh Famine..the contest entry..
Cheers :)

Also, here are a few more:
[Image: Hn61D.png] Atlas - carrying the world upon his shoulders. The dude on the right was, like Arthur, present in a super-ancient mod.

[Image: 5WOQF.png] Some random guy I sprited to try out drawing straight in 79²-res. It's so quick! :o

[Image: 0czfC.png] Ether v2 - I was never really happy with the original character-design but it was comparably easy to create a spritesheet with it. Just for the sake of overdoing stuff, I developed a little more grown-up version of Ether with a couple additional details...
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

» Gallery | » Sprites | » DeviantArt
Thanks given by: XLittlebob252 , John Fighterli

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