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Ariel's Sprites
panda- race at WoW monk- class at WoW
live stream on
[Image: p45mycA.png]
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started by making apoc sitting on a king chair somehow moved to some music freak XD
and than well i dunno how to name it
thanks for all the ppl that was in my stream toady it was one of the funniest streaming iv ever did u guys are crazy XD
first> the quit freaky normal one
dont have the real normal without those music symbols XD
than the party rocker: >.<'
and last the kogmaw killer thing hard party blabla mundvoll 1234 123 123 :O
[Image: p45mycA.png]
simply perfect. (last one :P )
Thanks given by: Ariel , Sonic Boom
WOW, really good. :D
Thanks given by: Ariel
Here it is. Me replying to a sprite since a long time. What i have to say? You know i was there. :D
Ok, so firstly as i said awesome idea. Secondly, awesome outfit. Thirdly(?), awesome rock-hand thingies. As a newbie spriter, i've got no critiques. :D
I do just love that last sprite. It's a true piece of art. The broken piranha-fly thingy expresses the hard time, the I'M FIRIN MAH LAZOR! expresses how hard time was fought, and the rocking chair expresses the...... partying after the hard time? :P
Well, all in all.... AWESOME!
[Image: double-jump-YinYin-base-1.gif]
This is an inspiration from:
-YinYin's Character Development guide, to be more specific i took one of those bases.
-Urban Rivals' clan Skeelz, I took their uniform
I hope it's good. ^^
TLOK | My sprites | Anime sprite contest | DeviantART |
Thanks given by: Ariel , Marko pro
First of all, I like the concept of chair and his position. It seems he is enjoying to his music and it is reflected by the chair. As if the chair is a part of him. His soul. On the other hand, I would have chosen a little different color for the chair/his pants. Its little bit hard for me to distinguish from his hair and the chair's red cushion .(Maybe color blindness? o.o) Good job though!
Thanks given by: Ariel
which is better?
[Image: F12WZLE.png]
[Image: p45mycA.png]
Thanks given by: Gespenst
reminds of apoc style :)
maybe 2nd without gloves?
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
Thanks given by: Ariel
LoL mod working on - stream
[Image: aF9suAF.gif]
Zed ^^ next champ ill do :)
[Image: p45mycA.png]
Thanks given by: Jahvansi , Marko pro , XLittlebob252
idk why, but his right leg looks flat
something seems not right
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
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