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Help changing some specific hex values?
Hello and a friend are working on a mod (we know it will take a long time :P ), basically I'm doing the graphics and he is doing the data changing. However, neither of us really knows much about hex editing, and there don't seem to be as many tutorials out there for hex, especially not for 2.0 (nor does the Ultimate Patcher seem to work with this version)...I've created custom graphics for just about every last detail and gone in with ResHacker and replaced them, but there are some things that I of course can't edit without hex. I already changed the background color, but I don't know how to change a few other things and can't wrap my head around the way the hex works...sorry if it's a noob thing to ask, but would anyone here be willing to help me? These are the things I'd like to change...

-Windows titlebar from 'Little Fighter 2' to my game's title

[Image: AJ44EOK.png]

-Main menu copyright; I'd like to change both the text of the 3 lines as well as the color if possible (color's not a big deal though)

[Image: YQnJtK0.png]

-Network game, the 'your IP address' background color

[Image: aeOc0E9.png]

-'Wait for opponent' loading bar color (not super important, I'm just trying to be thorough)

[Image: n4nZkc1.png]

-Input opponent's IP address background color (not super important)

[Image: sGFOERs.png]

-Loading screen, data loading BG color and maybe text color

[Image: vTw18LB.png]

-URL to during demo (not super important)

[Image: t9rGbfp.png]

-'number of computer players' BG color

[Image: n1HRcEF.png]

-one-on-one championship - big blue box underneath character selection

[Image: keU7wHP.png]

-one-on-one championship - background of 'c' and numbers for human and computer players

[Image: V6tHZGh.png]

-two-on-two championship - blue boxes surrounding 'team 1', 'team 2', and so on; same big blue box that's under the character select as the one-on-one championship

[Image: hxV8fur.png]

-battle mode - same numbers for players 1, 2, 3, etc, and computer player C; I assume if you change those in one place it will change them in all places, but I'm not sure.

[Image: BbDlJKs.png]

If anyone can tell me how to change these specific colors in the hex, I would appreciate it. Also, even though I'm making this specifically for my mod, I'm planning on sharing it with anyone who wants a quality .exe skin (it would be a version without my mod-specific logos and URLs). Mostly I just couldn't find any I really liked here on the site (not to mention some just don't seem to work with 2.0) so I decided to make my own, but I really like how it's turned out and I'd rather share it when it's finished than keep it to myself :)
[Image: T79k9.gif]
[Image: Hwv0J.png]
Thanks given by: Marko pro
To change in windows title 'Little Fighter 2' to your game's title, open the exe with a hex editor or notepad++ and search 'Little Fighter 2'. When you found it rename it to your game's title and remember it should be of the same length of the previous title!
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same thing with colors - simply search for the rgb hex value (something from 000000 to FFFFFF) and change it - sometimes it's bgr
Thanks given by: SG2
(02-06-2013, 06:17 AM)davis60 Wrote:  To change in windows title 'Little Fighter 2' to your game's title, open the exe with a hex editor or notepad++ and search 'Little Fighter 2'. When you found it rename it to your game's title and remember it should be of the same length of the previous title!
Correction: It cannot be longer.
Also use a hex editor and not Notepad++, because it isn't meant for these types of files, and even though it is possible to do so in Notepad++, it is vastly more complicated and thus using a hex editor is better. There is a hex editor plugin for Notepad++, so you can use that if you are interested.

For colors I recommend to search for the color values using cheat engine (link) first. The reason for this is that you can see the changes in real time, and thus find the correct values without having to modify the executable, and restarting it every time.
Then once you've found the addresses, you can then change them in a hex editor.
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volatile in C++ does not mean thread-safe.
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Thanks given by: SG2
As for the colors: Check the first entry of this page. More specifically, FarbHexe (which is contained in the RGB-Tools). That program will tell you the exact color. You can search for those in Cheat Engine then.

Copyright: that string is stored in the exe with a fairly simple encryption (0123). Check this thread for a solution to that. If you want to know a little more details: click me (that's for 1.9c but mostly applies). I haven't looked into the matter regarding the clickable stuff, so that might require some additional attention.

The title can only be longer when you bend the pointer to a new place where you define the string that should be displayed. That's quite some work, so just go with the replacement. If your title is shorter, you can either fill it up with spaces or with "00" (Hex).
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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Thanks given by: SG2
Thanks to everyone for their help.

Someone else Wrote:Also use a hex editor and not Notepad++, because it isn't meant for these types of files, and even though it is possible to do so in Notepad++, it is vastly more complicated and thus using a hex editor is better.
Yeah, I had downloaded Hex Workshop already as recommended in the hex editing section of the site, but was a little confused about how to use it...I think I've got it, now. I was able to fix most of the things I had questions about without even needing the Cheat Engine :)

YinYin Wrote:simply search for the rgb hex value (something from 000000 to FFFFFF) and change it - sometimes it's bgr
Thanks for the tip about BGR...that threw me off a bit when I changed some colors that I knew I got right, but they weren't altered when I started the game. I tried searching BGR instead, and it worked (I think it was this one:
[Image: V6tHZGh.png])

Blue Phoenix Wrote:As for the colors: Check the first entry of this page. More specifically, FarbHexe (which is contained in the RGB-Tools). That program will tell you the exact color.
Ah, I didn't know about this tool...FarbHexe was a lifesaver!! Much easier than taking screenshots and opening them in Photoshop to use the eyedropper :P I've now managed to replace almost every color I wanted to.

My only problem left is with the various URLs...there are 3 places where I'd like to replace the LF2 links with ones to my site. One is of course the 'official website' entry on the main menu. Another is in the copyright - I managed to change the copyright text just fine, but clicking my forum's URL on the third line still links to The final place is when you click on Network Game, there's a banner for LF2 forums there which I replaced with a banner to my forum, but again, clicking it still links to instead. I did go through Hex Workshop searching for instances of the strings '' and '', and replacing them, but this doesn't seem to do any good. I even tried searching them in encrypted form and got no results. Is there a specific way that a URL is indicated in hex that I should search for to change these?
[Image: T79k9.gif]
[Image: Hwv0J.png]
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Have you adjusted ad0.txt and ad1.txt in the data-folder?
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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I turned updates off and erased the contents of those files, but wouldn't the only links contained in those be the ones the advertisements link to, and not the ones that are part of the main game itself?
[Image: T79k9.gif]
[Image: Hwv0J.png]
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You have to find the URLs in the HEX Editor itself.
[Image: icyboards-ad-468x60.gif]
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