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All Stars : Batlle Of Fighters 0.1
Ladies and gentlemen, We present you:

[center]All Stars: Battle of Fighters v0.1
The game is in .7z format. To extract it you can use 7zip (highly recommended) or WinRAR.

This game currently has only 6 characters. And they are
  • Naruto
  • Sasuke
  • Goku
  • Ichigo
  • Luffy
  • Zoro

Features of the Game!
  • 2 new moves for Naruto.
  • 1 new move for Sasuke and AJ flame is changed.
  • A whole new Goku for which you have been waiting!
  • Ichigo's 3 hit combo and Zangetsu Spin are revamped.
  • Whole new Luffy and Zoro!
  • All characters have their Meelee combos.
  • You do last hit of Meelee combo by pressing JA.
  • Everyone has quick getups. Press J while lying down.
  • Luffy has a rubber body, so electric attacks of Sasuke won't affect him much (except Chidori, to make everyone balanced.) [Not a bug! xD]
  • Last but not the least, there is a hidden surprise in the game. If you find it out then please don't spoil it for others! xD

Trouble shooting:
1- My antivirus is detecting the game exe as a trojan. Is it really infected?
Actually it isn't. The reason for this false positive detection is the usage of a program called "Molebox" in the game. Molebox encrypts files into an executable so the files can only be used by the exe. This makes the antivirus suspects the encrypted data and flag it as a trojan. So you have to, in order to run the game, disable your antivirus (not recommended) or add it to your antivirus' exception list (recommended), For more info about this issue, follow the link:

2-I am getting the error "The Application failed to start because it's side by side configuration is incorrect. Please refer to the application log for more details.". How should I fix this?
You need to install the run-time components for Visual C++ 2005. You can find an installer here:

So guys reviews and feedbacks on the game are truly appreciated. And if you find any bugs, report it as soon as possible.

And if you guys want to enjoy your fights then please turn on the Recording feature. That's all for now and thanks for staying tuned.

All Stars: Team
Thanks given by: NewToTheEra
Being supposed to simply go with an exe from a random person, whereas the person even says that the exe will be marked as a virus (even if it may isn't) is already a major turn-down. As well, there are countless LF2 mods/chars about the casual mainstream anime's.
If you want people like me to even consider playing it, at the very least, you should abide by the [READ!]Posting a thread in Projects - The right way sticky and
Quote:Step 4 - SCREENSHOTS (vital):
Probably the most important part in the thread.
You know what it is said, a picture tells you more than 1000 words...

When making screenshots, consider these:
-Make them appealing.
-Post at least 5 (even more for a mod, for a BG one is enough)
-Make sure they are clean: PNG, only LF2 screen (we don't care about your desktop),...
-Don't give links, post them directly in the thread (spoilered).
My Creations: (Click to View)

Return (String) System.getNewsOfTheDay();
Barely active, expect slow responses. If at all.

Thanks given by: Rhino.Freak
oh sorry man I just copied the thread of my own forum, well I'll update with screenies :)
Thanks given by:
Sigh Rhino...

Preview of the game:

I apologies for the clips in the video as these clips were actually from the beta not the first release, the maker of the video just forgot to use the first release clips. Also, the game isn't marked as a virus, don't really know why he stated that.
[Image: kawaii_by_vzei-d6fci4d.png]
Thanks given by: Gespenst
About the game from video. Dont know.
Does it have some story or just main point is vs mode?
You said something about new goku.
But somehow just plain JUS goku.
I was just seeing plain dm.
Somehow video didnt made WOW.
There also was few grids.

I imagine this game like.
There is some main villain which is completely new for the game.
He trying to do something bad and the fighters from various universes trying to defeat him.
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
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the main point is that, the game's first release is like a beta for basic vs mode playing thingy..
in later versions it will have stage mode as stage 1 - some anime, stage 2 - some other anime etc. and stage - 5, mix anime crossover battle..

about new goku.. just ignore that part sorry :P

plus video doesn't contain most of things

EDIT: i actually liked your idea of a super villian lol XD
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So far it doesn't look any different, at all, from what you can get from LFPlanet since months.
Same chars, same sprites, same moves.
The video itself, or rather it's presentation, was pretty well-made though.
My Creations: (Click to View)

Return (String) System.getNewsOfTheDay();
Barely active, expect slow responses. If at all.

Thanks given by: Gespenst , LutiChris
I really can't understand why do people here like bashing mods like that. Hating? I don't think so.. Its more of a hobby.

(07-29-2013, 06:59 AM)Alblaka Wrote:  Being supposed to simply go with an exe from a random person, whereas the person even says that the exe will be marked as a virus (even if it may isn't) is already a major turn-down. As well, there are countless LF2 mods/chars about the casual mainstream anime's.
Not really. Being supposed to simply go with an exe from a random person which is then caught as "infected", whereas the person says nothing about the exe, will just flood his thread with "y u send me virus" posts. I'd rather have everything clarified from the start than facing it on the fly.

(07-29-2013, 12:04 PM)EXG9 Wrote:  Hmn.
About the game from video. Dont know.
Does it have some story or just main point is vs mode?
You said something about new goku.
But somehow just plain JUS goku.
I was just seeing plain dm.
Somehow video didnt made WOW.
There also was few grids.

I imagine this game like.
There is some main villain which is completely new for the game.
He trying to do something bad and the fighters from various universes trying to defeat him.
Are you seriously judging the game from the video? And rather than "imagining" what the game is like, how about you actually try it?

(07-29-2013, 02:50 PM)Alblaka Wrote:  So far it doesn't look any different, at all, from what you can get from LFPlanet since months.
Same chars, same sprites, same moves.
I don't think watching a presentation of the game is really THAT far. And sir, can you please link me to congruent , since you think it isn't different at all, stuff at lfe planet? Because I can't seem to find any =(.

@OP: I've tried the game, and I say that was very good for a first release. Keep this up! ;)
[Image: signature.png]
A-Engine: A new beat em up game engine inspired by LF2. Coming soon

A-Engine Dev Blog - Update #8: Timeout

Thanks given by: Rhino.Freak
Aman, yu no Maybe can be here some haters or who does not likes it?
Actualy virus does big turn down.
Who knows what will happen.
Would you download any game with virus?
Judge from video? Yes.
Its PV video isnt it? Well video is made its own part which looks like PV.
Indeed i judge because in video you can see much things. Whats the point of game pv if its cant be judged?
About sprites and stuff.
There is bunch in the internet of these JUS sprites.
Go to sprite database or spriters res... For it even dA have many,
Just to say. Ripped sprites does half of the job which is considered as half a**. I preffer new because JUS SPRITES ARE GETTING OVERUSED IN EVERY ANIME MOD...
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
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Updated link (Bug Fixes):

Actually speaking of JUS sprites, we're actually discussing now if we should use SND or JUS in our forum, I'll take that into consideration. The first Version has both JUS and SND but during the second release we'll be standing by only one style.
[Image: kawaii_by_vzei-d6fci4d.png]
Thanks given by: Gespenst

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