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Actualy. I am. My self was trying to make some chars in same way. But overused parts looks strange.
Like make all heads which you will be needing. Later torso.
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
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There is no point arguing about this.

Obviously there is a trade off between making as many unique parts for better quality
and recycling parts as often as possible for less work.
And it's been like that before when basic actions get copy pasted - edited slightly - overlayed with some energy - and voila a special move is born
(many of the original character frames were created this way or even simpler).
For the sake of giving a starting point with the basic actions gad did everything very roughly of course.

You should look at the arms in the rolling frames ... they are made up of many many small arms ...

Also I went rage lazy mode to test this and just pasted two heads on the template (and changed colours).
Trial version though - won't be buying or pirating it.

edit@gad: I think you should not use any adjustment layers on a template that aren't in the lib. If one just replaces all symbols he is still left with some adjustment layers all over the sheet and he will have to search and delete them every time. Instead it should use more new symbols for those adjustment problems.
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how to convert into usable spritesheet

may be print screen
Thanks given by: Gespenst
(08-04-2013, 08:58 PM)Gad Wrote:  If you're using CS6
Right Click on Template symbol in library -> generate sprite sheet
else, you will need to:
Right Click on Template symbol in library -> export PNG sequence
and then merge up all exported pngs with a spritesheet generator, you can use this online one
configure it and there you go!
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I haven't tried this yet. Is it possible to tear up a single standing sprite into body parts needed for the template and get a spritesheet out of that using this? :D
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(08-08-2013, 10:12 AM)Gad Wrote:  
(08-04-2013, 08:58 PM)Gad Wrote:  If you're using CS6
Right Click on Template symbol in library -> generate sprite sheet
else, you will need to:
Right Click on Template symbol in library -> export PNG sequence
and then merge up all exported pngs with a spritesheet generator, you can use this online one
configure it and there you go!

dude there is no freaking export png thing ...
Thanks given by: Gespenst , Bla bla bla 44 , Dr. Time
hey, I know also way to make quick chars with no flash macromedia.
draw similar amount of parts like in this
[Image: 119b6vl.png]
and just put every part in a place which you need.
+Saving pc memory.
+no need to download macromedia
+no need to code template.
+its easy to use.
+ you can make fast enough

worth to try

nothing to offend, but thats also good way
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
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(08-08-2013, 11:15 AM)Sonic Boom Wrote:  
(08-08-2013, 10:12 AM)Gad Wrote:  
(08-04-2013, 08:58 PM)Gad Wrote:  If you're using CS6
Right Click on Template symbol in library -> generate sprite sheet
else, you will need to:
Right Click on Template symbol in library -> export PNG sequence
and then merge up all exported pngs with a spritesheet generator, you can use this online one
configure it and there you go!

dude there is no freaking export png thing ...

Ok, so then tell me, if it works that way:
Select format PNG sequence
Sorry, I don't have CS5 so I don't see the possibilites ;D.

Sorry for getting upset, but: (Click to View)

(08-08-2013, 11:03 AM)RtXaS Wrote:  I haven't tried this yet. Is it possible to tear up a single standing sprite into body parts needed for the template and get a spritesheet out of that using this? :D

It is, but not without adjusting the parts.
Thanks given by: Gespenst , YinYin , 8obis , mfc
errr, no offense Gad, but you know, um to make custom char, you still need to draw parts.
I would call fast char maker or something but not for people who cant sprite
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
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This method wasn't created for me.
If you didn't notice, I firstly came up with drawing each part apart.
Somebody asked me if I could use the symbols.

Thanks given by: A-Man

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