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League of Legends Ranked Team
Just since there are quite a few guys here who actually play LoL. How about making a Ranked Team nd play a bit for fun? Maybe we can even reach Gold :D
I would really appreciate if we can manage to get a Group of this, playing lol with LF2 veterans huehue :D
And i don't really care about the MMR of anyone here it's just for fun anyways :)

EDIT: Sry this is for EUW only atm as long as there are not too many people on another server
[Image: 78f0db68c4.jpg]
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I would love to join, i guess the problemm is different servers :S

im playying on EUwest

IGN: TbF Arcane
Thanks given by: Dr.Death
I think most of us are EU West right?
But yeah i frogot to mention it.
Just write your Summoner Name and i will add you.
I will be able to play the latest in 30hours or sth
[Image: 78f0db68c4.jpg]
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(10-11-2013, 12:56 PM)Dr.Death Wrote:  I think most of us are EU West right?
But yeah i frogot to mention it.
Just write your Summoner Name and i will add you.
I will be able to play the latest in 30hours or sth
EUNE Here.
I have a EUW account but it's only lvl 4. (account name: Som1Lse)
We can do some normals so I might one day reach lvl 30.

(kinda wondering why so many people still play on west, since it is always down)
Age ratings for movies and games (and similar) have never been a good idea.
One can learn a lot from reinventing wheels.
An unsound argument is not the same as an invalid one.
volatile in C++ does not mean thread-safe.
Do not make APIs unnecessarily asynchronous.
Make C++ operator > again
Trump is an idiot.
Thanks given by: Dr.Death
All my friends are in EUW and i still hope that one day EUW will not be down always.
Then we can just play normals. I hope we get 2 more.
And the rumours say on EUNE everyobne speaks russian and polish or sth and people are worse but i don't really think that's too true ;)
[Image: 78f0db68c4.jpg]
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(10-11-2013, 10:09 PM)Dr.Death Wrote:  And the rumours say on EUNE everyobne speaks russian and polish or sth and people are worse but i don't really think that's too true ;)
When I was bad (or really bad), that was kinda true (Polish wise), but since I've gotten better less people speak Polish, probably because there are less 12-year olds that don't realize not everyone speaks Polish.
I can' recall ever seeing someone speaking in Russian.

In the end I'd wish Riot would just merge the servers together or allow free transfers between the two, but there are probably technical/financial difficulties in that too.
Age ratings for movies and games (and similar) have never been a good idea.
One can learn a lot from reinventing wheels.
An unsound argument is not the same as an invalid one.
volatile in C++ does not mean thread-safe.
Do not make APIs unnecessarily asynchronous.
Make C++ operator > again
Trump is an idiot.
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(10-11-2013, 10:09 PM)Dr.Death Wrote:  All my friends are in EUW and i still hope that one day EUW will not be down always.
Then we can just play normals. I hope we get 2 more.
And the rumours say on EUNE everyobne speaks russian and polish or sth and people are worse but i don't really think that's too true ;)

They speak russian on DotA 2, I haven't seen any of it on LoL.
Thanks given by: Sonic Boom
(10-11-2013, 10:38 AM)Dr.Death Wrote:  How about making a Ranked Team nd play a bit for fun?

Wait, wait... you combine the terms 'ranked' and 'fun' in the same sentence, in correlation with LoL?
I didn't even know such a wording was possible :O

I would have offered to join, but my last time of playing LoL nearly broke my Mouse, damn top-down-perspective clickfest.
Anyways, if you ever switch to a MOBA with (in my oppinion) proper controls (controlling your character with WSAD), like i.e. SMITE, send me a note and I'll gladly join.
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Return (String) System.getNewsOfTheDay();
Barely active, expect slow responses. If at all.

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So we got 2 for EU NE and 2 for EUW atm.

@Alblaka: First of all it's Ranked Team so it's not too important after all and with fun I mean that people should play as good as they can but not be forced to sth. Let's say our Bot Lane wanna play Annie Brand Bot because they are confident with it they can do it. If it fails several times you can argue if it's the best Strategy. And the Mainthing about fun is that people play relaxed. I don't like if people have to worry about their performance.
And for Soloq it's actually also better if you play for fun with tryhard Mode. If you don't care too much about the Games and try new Stuff out you will actually play better and also learn. If you just stick to the hyped Champions you will see their weaknesses sooner or later.
It's sad that you have a bad experience with LoL but i don't think i will ever start a new MOBA Game. I actually like the controlling of the game a lot :)

I'd also be ready to make an EUNE acc if there are actually more on this server
[Image: 78f0db68c4.jpg]
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i ahve an account on NE as well, only lvl 7 or 8 tho ^^

and about the pressure u mentioned, the most fun i have in LoL when playing full premade rankeds, just take it easy, laugh about fails and escalate when big plays are made :D
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