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Story mode (nearly complete story on page 8)
(10-06-2014, 02:40 PM)Mono Wrote:  I just don't want me stoping this mod progress. Most of you like this Idea, why not? :)
Shall we continue with further development?

Which means the development of the mod is more important to you than your own preferences, and you want to help anyhow, am I correct? That's kind of noble actually :) 

So, lets wait for one more day for Rhino to comment on the theme. Shall we say that if he likes it, we'll go through with it?
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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I'd say so yes!
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want me to do some sketches before i go?
(1 hour left for me here)
[Image: p45mycA.png]
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(10-06-2014, 03:16 PM)Ariel Wrote:  want me to do some sketches before i go?
(1 hour left for me here)

Got everything ready and packed? First things first :D

The only thing we really know for sure at this point is that we'll need some good guys, similar to the original fighters. Perhaps you could sketch some concept for this:)
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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hey! Sorry for a delayed response, been busy with college :P
anyway the masks theme.. I like the idea! Lets start up with that!

A little change I'd like to include is that we shall start directly after 2 years and find Julian beaten to death or something.. And then he tells us the story and gives us his mask and stuff..
Coz I don't know how we'll implement the before 2 years characters and after 2 years one too..

its like collecting dragon balls :D
(03-20-2016, 06:41 PM)mfc Wrote:  Be the unsqueezable sponge!
My new life motto!
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(10-07-2014, 02:52 AM)Rhino.Freak Wrote:  hey! Sorry for a delayed response, been busy with college :P
anyway the masks theme.. I like the idea! Lets start up with that!

A little change I'd like to include is that we shall start directly after 2 years and find Julian beaten to death or something.. And then he tells us the story and gives us his mask and stuff..
Coz I don't know how we'll implement the before 2 years characters and after 2 years one too..

its like collecting dragon balls :D

I guess that would be fine:)
We can introduce the new fighters throughout the stages (in a few words) if we want. That way we can do with stage 1 whatever you guys would like:)

We got ourselves a theme :D 

Please keep checking the plan to know what is up next. If I'm not mistaken, we can start developping a detailed story, but it is already pretty detailed as it is, and we can start making character sketches. Also, we have to agree on the consistency and quality of the in-game sprites

I guess we should keep this topic to work out the rest of the story, which isn't much anymore. I'll write it all out after that.


In the original story, the little fighters defeat Julian. Julian had one mask at that time, therefor he was more powerful than the other fighters in the original story. Gathering all the masks would cause the masks to fuse into one extremely powerful mask.

Stage 1
The stage mode starts 2 years after the original story, with a dialogue between Julian and some mysterious guy (general maybe? we won't ever show that, but I think players will get the hint themselves). This mysterious guy has MISINFORMED Julian that the Little Fighters have found a mask, and so Julian is on his way to take it back from them.

The conversation will be something like this:

Mysterious guy (general):
"This is it. This is where the little fighters live."

"Ha. So they live in the woods? Pitiful. So, they have what I have been looking for, right?

Mysterious guy:
"That's right Julian"

"Good. I will take what belongs to me. And these little fighters.. What they have done to me 2 years ago is unforgivable! I will kill them where they stand!"

Mysterious guy:
"I know you will"

Mysterious guy thinking:
(Hehe.. fool. He'll lose to them and HE will be the one that's going to die.. maybe some of the little fighters will, too. This is just brilliant! The boss will be pleased)

Stages 1-2 until 1-9
At first Julian simply asks things like 'Where is it.. give it to me..' (in short not telling them about 'masks') but after a battle and being beaten up, he tells LFs the story of the masks (only half of it), and gives a demonstration of the power by standing up and blowing em off with a super soul ball (Julian wasn't napping all that time :P)..

After this attack, Julian runs off. One of the newly introduced little fighters goes after him and returns after a few days.
"You won't believe this..."

He tells you the whole story about the icy mountain, how there is another mask in the ice there, how Julian's henchmen have been destroying the ice in order to get to the mask, how the magician has been holding them off.

"There must be at least three of these masks. We don't know exactly what they do yet, or how many there are. But we do know Julian is collecting them and it seems a lot like he's getting a great power boost from them. We have to stop him before he becomes unstoppable!"

The other little fighters don't trust him yet, as he's new to the group and could just as well be working for Julian, setting a false trail. The little fighters fight the new fighter and in the end, the fight is interupted by one of the original fighters who claims the new guy is to be trusted on this. (for example: Nino is the new fighter, and the fight is interupted by Woody teleporting towards the fighters, claiming Nino is his nephew. It would fit :) )

you start your journey towards the mountain.


Julian's visit
Minions: Knight, Justin, mark
Heroes: none, maybe Bat working as Julian's personal slave

Journey towards the tower
Minions: bandit, hunter, jack, mark
Heroes: some of the new ones can be introduced

Boss: when you come close to the icy mountain, you find Bat there (with very high hp). Bat is guiding the path towards the mountain. You have to beat him.

Stage 2
You start climbing the mountain. On the mountain lives an old magician, who recently got sick. He and his ancestors had been protecting the ice for generations, but as he got sick, the ice had started to melt due to his loss of power. Besides, Julian's minions were sent to destroy the ice which makes the destruction go a lot faster. At the current rate, the ice will be gone and the mask will be set free within days! The magician, however old and weakened, is still a very powerful opponent. He kills hundreds of Julian's henchmen, but there is no stopping them as they keep coming.

So, the little fighters are on the mountain to stop Julian. However, the magician that lives on the mountain thinks you are there to harm his mountain and he tries to stop you. Julian's almost got the mask by that time, and he tells the little fighters that they are too late. The magician then understands that you don't mean any harm, and he stops the fight to join you in the battle against Julian. When you win, you take Julian's mask and the other mask with you and swear to each other to protect them from evil.

Minions: mainly sorcerers, Justin, Mark, bandit
Bosses: wizard, Julian

Stage 3
the magician has given you the information on the other masks. Your quest continues and you move into a dark forest with a big moon (bg). In stage 3-5, a new enemy appears: it's the general, who's also after the mask. He tells you that he's the main enemy's general and he's looking for the masks for his boss. He says "You appear to be looking for the same thing, so you're in my way. You leave this forest right now, or I'll make sure your corpses will remain here forever". You fight the general. He's strong, but fairly easily defeated. You find the 3th mask in stage 5-8 or something. A big creature (maybe a werewolf) is guarding the mask. You beat him and you can go on to the next stage;

Note: if we make a werewolf, it could use the ID of LouisEX, and there's a human-like fighter that can transform into this werewolf.
Minions: mainly hunters, bandits and sorcerers
Others: Henry (leading a hunter squad)
Bosses: the general (no mask), werewolf?

Stage 4
The little fighters continue their quest for the masks. They go to a monastery, the high priest was said to have it. However, he doesn't trust the little fighters and he sounds a big gong. Monks and villagers (Jack, Mark and maybe new minions) show up to remove the little fighters from the monastery! Finding the mask is a must for them though, so they fight their way up to the top where the high priest is. On their way up, a mysterious character (working for the main enemy) steals their masks.
They do manage to reach the top though, but the high priest has been beaten up by someone and the mask is gone! There's still something in the room that appears to be a teleporting machine. The little fighters step into the teleporter and they go right after the mysterious character.

Minions: mainly monks, Jack, Mark and maybe new minions
Bosses: none (yet)

Stage 5: 

The little fighters have teleported themselves right into the hole of the beast! They are now in the most dangerous place in the world. This is where the main enemy who's after the masks, has his camp.

The main enemy is a mighty creature, not human or orc, but something entirely new in LF2;

He has a human-like general under him, powerful and badass, that has the desire to become the strongest of all. A strong, proud, cruel villain, like Vegeta in DragonballZ. You met him in stage 3;

The main enemy could be something like Malekith for example, but with a twist (Malekith is a Dark Elf from Marvel movies by the way):

 [Image: thor-2-poster-malekith-lead.jpg]

stage 5-3 boss: the general with the 4th mask on, so he's stronger than before. However, the general hasn't told his boss that he has actually found the mask; Then in stage 5-8, you have to face the main enemy who is after the masks. He's got four of them but he can not find the last one. He is convinced that the Little Fighters have it, so he's going to destroy them in a great battle and claim the last mask. This enemy, the boss villain, appears to be the ultimate villain, BUT... The general, who really has the last mask, manages to steal his boss' mask and flees the scene, beats the sh*t out of the guards and brings all the masks together to REALLY become the ultimate villain. Now in stage 5-9, the general comes back as the ultimate villain and he kills his boss and then you have to fight the general, who has obtained all the power from the masks.

As you may have noticed, the 3th mask is missing in this story. I thought it wasn't important for the bigger picture just yet. It requires a stage, it will probably be stage 3.. We can add this part of the story later

Are there things you'd like to add/change, especially to stage 1, 3 or 4?
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

Thanks given by: Gespenst
Please comment on the storyline I posted above... It's a long post, but please read it and state your own preferences; just say what you'd like to add or change (or if you don't want to add anything / you're cool with all the decisions the rest of us want to make on the story, just say it too). We need to get a complete script and we need everybody to help on this and agree on a permanent script.

Also, any updates on progress? It's been quite the quiet weekend here on LFE!
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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story is good enough I think.

Sorry, I am bit busy with real life. (gosh some stuff happening). Expect some update this evening.
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
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I'll read it soon, I have my exams going on in college, gimme atleast 4-5 days
(03-20-2016, 06:41 PM)mfc Wrote:  Be the unsqueezable sponge!
My new life motto!
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(10-27-2014, 02:33 PM)Rhino.Freak Wrote:  I'll read it soon, I have my exams going on in college, gimme atleast 4-5 days

No problem. + This goes for me, too. I'll not be as active untill the 15th of november. I will check here, but I won't be very productive for the mod until then.
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

Thanks given by: Gespenst

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