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Character sprite concepts
What if General would have such weapon
it would be like blade which would move when its needed.
It can slash when it is in its normal position and it could move to another position for stabbing and slashing.
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
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(11-16-2014, 08:22 PM)Mono Wrote:  What if General would have such weapon
it would be like blade which would move when its needed.
It can slash when it is in its normal position and it could move to another position for stabbing and slashing.

Sounds pretty cool :)
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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(11-16-2014, 05:34 PM)Ariel Wrote:  dont get this offensive guys

first read this ^

and ill edit this post tomorrow ill try to explain it again for you (arcane and memento)

(11-16-2014, 08:05 PM)Mono Wrote:  Ariel, I find your sprite un-organized.

ill just ignore ya, as always
[Image: p45mycA.png]
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(11-16-2014, 09:01 PM)Ariel Wrote:  and ill edit this post tomorrow ill try to explain it again for you (arcane and memento)

Please make a post in the conversation room if you'd like to eleborate some more... I'd rather keep this topic organised, posts about leaving the mod don't belong here and tend to get things chaotic ;)

There is a very last thing I have to say about this Ariel: it would be good if you still want to eleborate, because all the things you mentioned are actually done in the planning. And yes, I do feel a bit offended by your comments, as I try my very best to get this mod well organised and the way you put it, I can't say your comments are merely "constructive".
Alright, these are the things you mentioned we need to get more organised because right now, there is "0/10 organisation" in your humble opinion:

*thinking on a basic concept for the whole mod - we got a topic for this: brainstorm on a theme;
*extending the story - same topic
*finalizing the story (this part splits to a few) - same topic, but it doesn't have to be finished completely just yet. Sometimes the best ideas are those you get while working on something.
*thinking how each of the stages will look - same topic, again, this is covered just enough for the moment and when we get to it, we need to get into more detail.
*thinking about what characters we need for each stage (this part splits to a few) - you're right at this, we do need to fill this one out. And even then, it has been done partly.
*extending each character with each moves he/she have - we have to do this, true. But I believe we have already done this for the most part?
*concepting the character and fiting his look to his place, his attitude and his abilities - I'd say when you sprite a character, you already have a certain idea for him. The wizard for example is bound to the story, he's and old and protective wizard that lives on an icy mountain; is there more to know about him before you make a sprite? I don't think so... Your way is one way, but it isn't the only way.
*split into groups of work, each member get a task(this part splits to a few)

We're already doing this.

This is exactly why I don't understand you, and why I'm not agreeing on what you say. No offence meant, but it just doesn't make any sense to me because of the reasons I just gave you ^

That's all I still wanted to say about this. Again, if you feel the need to eleborate and keep this conversation going, "conversation room" is the place for it. Thanks. I hope we can keep this topic clean from now on...

Alright, back on topic: I don't think elemental characters are a must at all, but I was thinking a wind-elemental character would be cool.

General information: he should be fast, it should be his main ability. His special attacks don't deal too much damage, unless they are combined with objects that lie on the ground. If you guys think it would be cool too, we can give him wings that he can use for some special attacks (but I can understand if you guys want to keep it somewhat realistic ;) )

- D^A: Tornado attack. He whips up a tornado that chases the opponent and sucks them up, giving damage while they are in the tornado. It lasts for 4-8 seconds and sucks up everything in it's path, slamming boxes and stones into its victims.
- DvA: some close distance move... Could be anything.
- D>A: an attack similar to Henry's D>A (wind can eventually be put up with wings, like this [Image: Ash_Pidgeot_Gust.png])
- Jump + D>A: same as D>A, but wind moving down
- DvJ: He grabs an opponent, flies up with him and flies toward the ground with high speed to drop him there.

If you like the idea, I will try to make a sprite concept :) So let me know what you think.
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

Thanks given by: Gespenst , Rhino.Freak
I'm just gonna point out 1 thing.
Organization and pretty much every other point you stated Ariel, are mere excuses.

Considering the time we've spent here in discussion, its really commendable job that we have a nearly complete story ready along with 2 new characters that are very much done in basics.

I've worked on 4 MORE lf2 projects as a team member (and in one as a leader), but this one has got to be having the most organized path towards a good mod the earliest of them all.

Try not to put down the team again, and it would actually be a pain in the arse to work with someone who'd get mad on criticism. kthxbye m8

On topic :
Really like the wind-guy idea, having him permanent wings? YES. But they stay rather folded.. He should be able to float/fly around the map too.
(03-20-2016, 06:41 PM)mfc Wrote:  Be the unsqueezable sponge!
My new life motto!
Thanks given by: Gespenst
I also like the idea of a wind-type character.
Instantly had to think of WIP char by mono of some time ago.

heres a link to the thread:

I guess we could at least use the colors as they seem very fitting for such char to me.
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I agree with it :)
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
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Those colors (gray-ish) probably are best for a wind-type character. We could add some of this color eventually, so he isn't just gray. (Edit: the color should be more gray-ish than this actually) And some details in sky-blue would fit colorwise

Are the sprites for this other wind type character lost, or does someone still have them? Just curious :)

I will try to make a wind-character design ASAP. But it would be great if Mono/Arcane could make something as well, as my spriting skills are inferior to theirs

Does anyone feel like making a new general / boss design? It doesn't have to be as fancy as the examples I posted 1 or 2 pages back :) I might give it a shot, too.
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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My primary focus won't be on sprite concepts for this mod, but oh well.. I took a free evening and I made something for Dennis. What do you think? It's just diffirent clothes basically.

[Image: Dennis_zpsfadeeace.png]

Do you guys have time to work on the mod this weekend maybe?
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

Thanks given by: Gespenst
(12-03-2014, 10:18 PM)Memento Wrote:  My primary focus won't be on sprite concepts for this mod, but oh well.. I took a free evening and I made something for Dennis. What do you think? It's just diffirent clothes basically.
[Image: Dennis_zpsfadeeace.png]

Do you guys have time to work on the mod this weekend maybe?

Hah, I like it :)

Yeah, this weekend, I will try after birthday of one of my good friend :D
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
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