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03-09-2015, 09:37 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-09-2015, 09:38 PM by Memento.)
(12-08-2014, 09:52 PM)Mono Wrote: you know intentional inside joke, hidden message or something, in game 
I had not answered, but I think a little joke won't hurt anybody
Alright. We got most of the story, but it is not complete yet. It would be great if you could:
- Copy/paste the story (this post) in a new reply;
- Read what we have right now;
- Think about how YOU would like to fill in the part of the story that isn't complete yet;
- Add this to the story (and it would be great if you could your newly added text a color, so we can find it more easily)
After we got the story finished, we can start working out every single stage (and it might also change our ideas for new characters  ).
I think it would be good to set a little limitation on this one. Please share your ideas on this within 7 days, than we can discuss and have the story complete in 14 days and we can start with the details.
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03-12-2015, 10:14 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-21-2015, 02:53 PM by Ariel.)
most of it is just copy of memento's version i just added or changed minor stuff
Stage 1: lion forest
start at night
the little fighters started a secret training camp after defeating Julian. 3 days ago, you started having bad dreams that made you think you must leave the training camp. You leave together with John and Nino, a new member of the little fighters.
Enemies: bandits and hunters
John tells u he must stay here to wait for the others so now u and Nino are alone
still on the woods going forward, at the end of this part you see a prisoner u help him out and he join u
you keep moving towards the icy mountains but the sun is starting to rise, the guy u rescued is telling u about Julian
but he doesn't tell u that it is Julian
he says something like
"this mad monster was walking around looking for something and destroying everything in the forest, he even took my wife with him!"
sun is up, your walking in a destroyed forest
you face Bat, one of Julian's men.
u can see now the icey mountains in the view as u get close to them
you face Julian but he run away and leave Jan (the guy's wife) she is now fighting next to you.
Stage 2: icy mountain
from 2-1 untill 2-3 you fight the Wizrad minions
2-4 untill 2-6 mix of Julian minions and wizard minions
end of 2-6
freeze join you
you fight the wizard, freeze talk to him and make him join you
you face Julian, and take Julian's masks after winning
Stage 3: dark forest
In stage 3-5, a new enemy appears: it's the general, who's also after the masks. You fight the general.
In stage 3-8, you find the 3th mask. A big werewolf is guarding it. You beat him, the werewolf changes back into his human form and he tells you to go to the city of Lake Town.
Stage 4: Lake Town
you face a new mask holder, you beat him
later on , Dennis join you
you are being robbed by an unknown character.
later on , Woddy join you
stage 4-7, the unknown character shows itself: it is a fast minion with teleportation skills.
In stage 4-8, you face Firzen (who is holding the stolen masks)
right after defeating him davis join you and than together you all step into a machine that was behind Firzen
Stage 5: Enemy camp
The little fighters have teleported themselves right into the main enemy's camp.
In stage 5-3, you face the general with the 4th mask on, so he's stronger than before. However, the general hasn't told his boss that he has actually found the mask;
In stage 5-8, you have to face the main enemy who is after the masks.
The main enemy has got four of them but he can not find the last one. He is convinced that the Little Fighters have it, so he's going to destroy them in a great battle and claim the last mask. This enemy, the boss villain, appears to be the ultimate villain, BUT... The general, who really has the last mask, manages to steal his boss' mask and flees the scene, beats the sh*t out of the guards and brings all the masks together to REALLY become the ultimate villain.
Stage 5-9, the general comes back as the ultimate villain and he kills his boss and then you have to fight the general, who has obtained the power from all the masks. Luckily for you, you get some help from 5-6 other Little Fighters in an extreme battle.
Mask list:
Magia mask (Julian's)
Frost mask (Wizard's)
Beast mask (Wolf's)
_____ Mask (____'s)
_____ Mask (____'s)
we need at least 1 more mask to be in the story, cant be just 3 out of 5
all together combined to
The Mask of Terror
idea on how the combined mask user will look:
reason for the crossbow- i think we need a new archer as we have new melee (nino) and new mage (wizard)
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03-12-2015, 01:48 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-19-2015, 12:58 PM by Memento.
Edit Reason: Made a summary
I made the story so, that editing stage.dat would be do-able. It makes stage 1 less fun than before imo, but it's way easier to realise.
Stage 1 and 4 are almost completely diffirent then before! So this is a summary of the story I had in mind.
Stage 1: lion forest
the little fighters started a secret training camp after defeating Julian. 3 days ago, you started having bad dreams that made you think you must leave the training camp. You leave together with Nino, a new member of the little fighters. John contacts the other little fighters that they are in grave danger.
In stage 1-7, you face Bat, one of Julian's men.
In stage 1-8, you face Julian. You take Justin hostage afterwards.
Stage 2: icy mountain
You start climbing the icy mountain where Julian is after another mask. On the mountain lives an old magician. He and his ancestors have been protecting the ice for generations. To protect the mountain, he tries to stop Julian, but without any luck. Julian is close to getting the mask.
In stage 1-7 you face the wizard
In stage 1-8 you face Julian together with the wizard, and take Julian's masks after winning
Note: not sure if we should let them face Julian 2 times in the story. We could also make Bat the stage 1 boss and leave Julian for stage 2.
Stage 3: dark forest
You go into a dark forest with a big moon (bg).
In stage 3-5, a new enemy appears: it's the general, who's also after the masks. You fight the general.
In stage 3-8, you find the 3th mask. A big werewolf is guarding it. You beat him, the werewolf changes back into his human form and he tells you to go to the city of Lake Town.
Stage 4: Lake Town
The stage starts fairly easy. Then in stage 4-5, you are being robbed by an unknown character.
In stage 4-6, you face Hydron;
In stage 4-7, the unknown character shows itself: it is a fast minion with teleportation skills.
In stage 4-8, you face Firzen (who is holding the stolen masks)
After defeating Firzen, you step into a machine that was behind Firzen
Stage 5: Enemy camp
The little fighters have teleported themselves right into the main enemy's camp.
In stage 5-3, you face the general with the 4th mask on, so he's stronger than before. However, the general hasn't told his boss that he has actually found the mask;
In stage 5-8, you have to face the main enemy who is after the masks.
The main enemy has got four of them but he can not find the last one. He is convinced that the Little Fighters have it, so he's going to destroy them in a great battle and claim the last mask. This enemy, the boss villain, appears to be the ultimate villain, BUT... The general, who really has the last mask, manages to steal his boss' mask and flees the scene, beats the sh*t out of the guards and brings all the masks together to REALLY become the ultimate villain.
Stage 5-9, the general comes back as the ultimate villain and he kills his boss and then you have to fight the general, who has obtained the power from all the masks. Luckily for you, you get some help from 5-6 other Little Fighters in an extreme battle.
THE STORY (complete)
In the original story, the little fighters defeat Julian. Julian had one mask at that time, therefor he was more powerful than the other fighters in the original story. Gathering all the masks would cause the masks to fuse into one extremely powerful mask.
Stage 1
Starting with a text box:"After defeating Julian, the little fighters started a secret training camp, hidden deep in the lion forest: 'Little Fighter strength camp'. They had lots of fun, trained a lot and were one day joined by a new friend and fighter: Nino. Everything seemed better than ever... But unfortunately, it couldn't be peace forever...
3 days ago, you woke up with terrible visions of your own demise. After a few heavy nights, having seen yourself and the other Little Fighters die time and time again, it was all to clear: something had to be done, you would have to leave the camp and seek out the evil that was almost upon your doorstep."
You will start your journey. The plan is to get to John's place together with Nino. John is living in the same forest, and has the ability to contact people on any part of the planet. John will be at stage 1-5 and will tell you that he has a feeling you should leave the forest, to see what is happening in the world. You tell John about your visions, and he pauses... I'll stay here to contact the others. You should immediately We have a real problem on our hands...
In stage 1-5, you start seeing Justin as a minion. In stage 1-7, you come across Bat. He claims to be working for Julian, but Julian is supposed to be gone. In stage 1-8, you find Julian and you'll have an interesting conversation:
"Wha... what the... Julian?!"
"Yes, that's right. You thought you had seen the last of me?
"Indeed. We destroyed you.
Julian: "No, you thought you did. I would have died if I would have been an ordinary fighter, but I have a little secret, and I'm sure you can help me further my course for unlimited power."
"What are you talking about?"
"You know exactly what I'm talking about! If you don't want to give it to me now, I'll take it from you myself!"
"Uh oh, here he comes!!"
You have a fight with Julian and some of his army, similar to stage 5-5 in the original game, but easier.
Stage 1-9 (story)
Julian is defeated but manages to flee the scene by firing a super soul bomb (he hasn't been sleeping all that time ). You take Justin (or a new character on Julian's team) hostage and make him tell what is going on. He tells you the story about the icy mountain, how there is another mask in the ice there, how Julian's henchmen have been destroying the ice in order to get to the mask, how an old magician has trying to hold them off.
You: "So, there must be at least three of these masks. Julian has one and he's after the one in the ice. It seems he thought we had a third mask. Why would he think that?...... Anyway, we don't know exactly what they do yet, or how many there are in total. But we do know Julian is collecting them and it seems a lot like he's getting a great power boost from them. We have to stop him before he becomes unstoppable! It would mean our end!!"
Justin: "Yes, yes, very dramatic. C'mon, I told you all that I know. Now let me go!!"
You: "Alright. Leave. Julian probably won't welcome you back though, you digged your own grave by telling us the story."
Justin: "Argh.. You've killed me!!"
You: "Join us in battle. It improves your chances of staying alive."
Justin joins you.
You: "Let's go get him."
End of stage 1
Minions: bandit, hunter, jack, mark, knight (1-6 and on), justin (1-5 and on)
Heroes: some of the new ones can be introduced
Boss: Bat (1-7), Julian (1-9)
Stage 2
You start climbing the mountain. On the mountain lives an old magician, who recently got sick. He and his ancestors had been protecting the ice for generations, but as he got sick, the ice had started to melt due to his loss of power. Besides, Julian's minions were sent to destroy the ice which makes the destruction go a lot faster. At the current rate, the ice will be gone and the mask will be set free within days! The magician, however old and weakened, is still a very powerful opponent. He kills hundreds of Julian's henchmen, but there is no stopping them as they keep coming.
So, the little fighters are on the mountain to stop Julian. However, the magician that lives on the mountain thinks you are there to harm his mountain and he tries to stop you. Julian's almost got the mask by that time, and he tells the little fighters that they are too late. The magician then understands that you don't mean any harm, and he stops the fight to join you in the battle against Julian. The battle is a lot more intense than in stage 1-9. When you win, you take Julian's mask and the other mask with you and swear to protect them from evil.
Minions: mainly sorcerers, Justin, Mark, bandit, ice minion
Bosses: wizard, Julian
Stage 3
the magician has given you the information on the other masks. Your quest continues and you move into a dark forest with a big moon (bg). In stage 3-5, a new enemy appears: it's the general, who's also after the masks. He tells you that he's the main enemy's general and he's looking for the masks for his boss. He says "You appear to be looking for the same thing, so you're in my way. You leave this forest right now, or I'll make sure your corpses will remain here forever". You fight the general. He's strong, but fairly easily defeated. You find the 3th mask in stage 5-8 or something. A big werewolf is guarding the mask. You beat him, and the werewolf changes back into his human form.
The wolf in human form says: " I was visited by a dark force only two days ago. Their boss said they were looking for a wolf guarding a mask, I was lucky that I was in human form at that time. I don't think I would have stood a chance if I would have had to fight them.. I don't know where they went exactly after that, but I caught a glimpse of a map his general was holding.. they had placed a big cross nearby, in the city of Lake Town. It's probably just about 50 miles from here. I wouldn't be surprised if they were after another mask that is located there".
Minions: mainly hunters, bandits and sorcerers.
Others: Henry (leading a hunter squad)
Bosses: the general (no mask), werewolf
Stage 4
You continue your quest for the masks. You decided to hurry to Lake Town. You arrive there at night.
Background could be something like this:
The search for the dark force in Lake Town starts relatively quietly. There's mainly bandits, sorcerers and Marks on the streets in 4-1 and 4-2. From 4-3 on, you get the feeling you are getting closer: you start seeing some knights, Jans and monks. Then suddenly, you are being robbed of your masks by an unknown character (working for the main enemy) (stage 3-5).
You decide to go deeper into Lake town. In stage 5.6, you face Hydron. From stage 5.7 on, you see a new minion with teleportation skills (move #1: same teleporting skills as Woody, but faster and using more MP. Move #2: a quick kick, giving similar effect as a teleport + tiger dash)
In the end, you find Firzen, holding the masks that were stolen from you earlier that day, accompanied by this new type of minion. You fight Firzen and his minions.
After defeating Firzen, you find a something that appears to be a teleporting machine. You step into the teleporting machine and this ends the stage.
Minions: mainly monks, Jack, Mark and maybe new minions
Bosses: none (yet)
Stage 5:
The little fighters have teleported themselves right into the hole of the beast! They are now in the most dangerous place in the world. This is where the main enemy who's after the masks, has his camp.
The main enemy is a mighty creature, not human or orc, but something entirely new in LF2;
He has a human-like general under him, powerful and badass, that has the desire to become the strongest of all. A strong, proud, cruel villain, like Vegeta in DragonballZ. You met him in stage 3;
The main enemy could be something like Malekith for example, but with a twist (Malekith is a Dark Elf from Marvel movies by the way):
The main enemy strikes fear into everyone, and fear was the reason that Firzen and Hydron turned against you before. They had to work for the main enemy or they would be gone from this world.
Stage 5-3 boss: the general with the 4th mask on, so he's stronger than before. However, the general hasn't told his boss that he has actually found the mask;
Stage 5-8, you have to face the main enemy who is after the masks. He's got four of them but he can not find the last one. He is convinced that the Little Fighters have it, so he's going to destroy them in a great battle and claim the last mask. This enemy, the boss villain, appears to be the ultimate villain, BUT... The general, who really has the last mask, manages to steal his boss' mask and flees the scene, beats the sh*t out of the guards and brings all the masks together to REALLY become the ultimate villain.
Stage 5-9, the general comes back as the ultimate villain and he kills his boss and then you have to fight the general, who has obtained the power from all the masks.
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Wasnt home the weekend
I wont contribute to the story, not because I'm not interested, its more because I already like what u guys came up with and I want to move forward
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I need at least 3 more days to finish up my version
I work almost all day in the next 2 days
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I set a new deadline for it. Rhino and Mono, would you like to contribute to the story as well?
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I don't have one and I think that I will not make one because what I am thinking right now is completely different and it would change the whole thing (realy it would change) so I will go with same story you posted or Ariel posted.
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I read it already earlier and I couldn't point out any particular thing that I wanted to change.. So yeah I am okay with this story!
(03-20-2016, 06:41 PM)mfc Wrote: Be the unsqueezable sponge! My new life motto!
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Ariel, do you have time to update yours today?
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