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The LF2 Killing Game
so but I just dc a cool move to rudolf so now he can make a milion clones but then there is a problem that the wolrd(lf2.exe) cant have that many objects in play at once so the world just disapear.

but then the game started all over and i just changed the facing: 10000000 to facing: 3500 so now the whole world doesent crash and then the object limit is reached so no one can use blast, ball and col attacks and i become the king in the world of lore(without a crown couse the object limit was reached) now try to beat me.
to be continued by the next poster...
Age ratings for movies and games (and similar) have never been a good idea.
One can learn a lot from reinventing wheels.
An unsound argument is not the same as an invalid one.
volatile in C++ does not mean thread-safe.
Do not make APIs unnecessarily asynchronous.
Make C++ operator > again
Trump is an idiot.
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Easy, you forgot my awesome Chuck-Norris-Roundhouse-Kick-Move, it doesn't use opoints, everything is written in itr's. Thus, after doing my Chuck Norris Roundhouse Kick, all the Rudolf-clones are extincted... with YOU in it.

Aware of the danger that is now approaching, I grab into my pocket and eat an invincible-cookie^^
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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heh... that was my last cookie, bp.. it was poisoned and didn't make you invincible, your face just turn green and you begin to throw up (ugly sight)

after that, I give the next poster a slap on the cheek (<-wrong spelling??)

TITLE: a idea
make cave for bear?
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(looks right to me)

urgh, you got me.
I grab into another pocket and eat my medicine-cookie. This one makes me throw up a last time and I use this opportunity to puke on you :p

Now, with fresh energy, I call Chuck Norris to come to our playground :)
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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I had to wash my clothes, but when i was finished, i came back.

*munch* *ate Chuck Norris* *munch*

He didn´t taste that well, so i threw a battery on the ground in front of Blue Phoenix.
| Metaknight | G-types | Bottle Skinz | Companion Cube | Art Gallery |
"Do not grieve, it is logical. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one."
- Mr. Spock
"A man's not dead while his name is still spoken"
- Terry Pratchett, Going Postal
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But I was faster and blocked the battery with a gymnastic ball which caused an enormous explosion of salad dressing.
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mmm... jummy salad dressing... I eat some off it and then I throw a HUGE MEG4 DR4G000n!!1! at the next poster

TITLE: a idea
make cave for bear?
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I blocked it wit a blue cheese that melted away when i dropped it on the ground
| Metaknight | G-types | Bottle Skinz | Companion Cube | Art Gallery |
"Do not grieve, it is logical. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one."
- Mr. Spock
"A man's not dead while his name is still spoken"
- Terry Pratchett, Going Postal
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But then I lightened a candle!
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The blue cheese began to burn... with a green flame!
Was the fight over? It seemed so - everybody escaped the destructive Blue Cheese flames that were green because nobody had an idea what would happen if they hit. But suddenly, the CUP OPH DOOOM!!! appeared...

Background story: a friend of mine and I sat in a restaurant, and we were bored. So we took a styrofoam-cup, pierced him with toothpicks, made a cape with a napkin, and drew an angry face. This is THE CUP OPH DOOOM!!! Invincible and deadly =P
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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