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Project NLFFG
I was actually thinking the same.
We've got a good story going on, some cool new characters and I only see goodness if this becomes a joint project.
Even for us DCers, it'll be interesting and will open a lot more options and motivation too :)
(03-20-2016, 06:41 PM)mfc Wrote:  Be the unsqueezable sponge!
My new life motto!
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@Memento: I myself am okay with that. My only concern is that this is interpreted as continuing this with where LF2 extended left, including all the sprites made for it so far. I was hoping if we could follow a different approach with the graphics this time and deviate from the standard Little Fighter chibi proportions (or even go 3D, or whatever turns out to work for the graphics folks here).

So, I was thinking if our request gets rejected by U1, we'll be forced to come up with new characters. Here are some ideas:

-Razen: The main protagonist in the story if we get to have one. He's named after @MH-Razen, the admin of this site, and I figured the name might be a good one because the name is linked in our brains to his avatar, which is a Davis with a red shirt :P.
Special Attacks:
--Dragon Punch/Aryuken: Razen's signature attack.
--Energy Ball: Same as LF2's standards. I really think all balls should have a range of some sort, after which the ball will die, and not go on forever.
--A grab + a punch to the side of the head/face + a knee kick to the stomach + an upper punch which knocks the target forward.

-Marti: A friend of Razen, and a professional martial artist (kungfu?).
--A big energy ball/Hadouken: Like Julian's D>J, but takes a bit more time to charge compared to Julian. It should also have a very little range, since this character is mainly a melee fighter.
--A counter stance. If punched/(hit with an attack that targets the upper body) during the duration of that stance, Marti blocks it (click to see how), and delivers a punch to the stomach, stunning the opponent for a while.
--A butterfly kick. A big hitbox, and very little delay. Useful to deflect balls or counter a charging opponent.

-Arctol (ice user?)
-Ignyze (fire user?)
And they fuse to give Arctyze :P (since Ignol sounds like a chemical)
[Image: signature.png]
A-Engine: A new beat em up game engine inspired by LF2. Coming soon

A-Engine Dev Blog - Update #8: Timeout

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(12-14-2015, 06:24 PM)A-Man Wrote:  @Memento: I myself am okay with that. My only concern is that this is interpreted as continuing this with where LF2 extended left, including all the sprites made for it so far. I was hoping if we could follow a different approach with the graphics this time and deviate from the standard Little Fighter chibi proportions (or even go 3D, or whatever turns out to work for the graphics folks here).

So, I was thinking if our request gets rejected by U1, we'll be forced to come up with new characters. Here are some ideas:

-Razen: The main protagonist in the story if we get to have one. He's named after @MH-Razen, the admin of this site, and I figured the name might be a good one because the name is linked in our brains to his avatar, which is a Davis with a red shirt :P.
Special Attacks:
--Dragon Punch/Aryuken: Razen's signature attack.
--Energy Ball: Same as LF2's standards. I really think all balls should have a range of some sort, after which the ball will die, and not go on forever.
--A grab + a punch to the side of the head/face + a knee kick to the stomach + an upper punch which knocks the target forward.

-Marti: A friend of Razen, and a professional martial artist (kungfu?).
--A big energy ball/Hadouken: Like Julian's D>J, but takes a bit more time to charge compared to Julian. It should also have a very little range, since this character is mainly a melee fighter.
--A counter stance. If punched/(hit with an attack that targets the upper body) during the duration of that stance, Marti blocks it (click to see how), and delivers a punch to the stomach, stunning the opponent for a while.
--A butterfly kick. A big hitbox, and very little delay. Useful to deflect balls or counter a charging opponent.

-Arctol (ice user?)
-Ignyze (fire user?)
And they fuse to give Arctyze :P (since Ignol sounds like a chemical)

Dude, the whole point of doing ths is to see our little fighters in action again, new characters is not motivativating to anyone here ... anyway, the fact is U1 can't suie you, all you need to do is write a disclaimer stuff that you don't own LF2 character, their all owned by U1 tech and this is a non-profit game 100% fanmade, and put this in the readme\discription file of the game, trust me I know law little bit.
                            LF Extended                              [Image: 2518290.gif][Image: e38dd1f.gif][Image: 533172c.gif] (click on the pic)                       Deviantart
                            Might be back, might be not :^) anyways awesome to see you guys again!
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It is true that the main purpose of all this is to see the Little Fighters again, but we're limited by the law. It is true that a lot of games make it out by a disclaimer statement which shows up when the game starts, but that doesn't always work. Give this article a read.

What we're doing right now is ask for permission. If U1 turns out with a no, then there isn't much we can do about it; even worse, we'll be "under the radar" then and attempting anything with LF2 characters might result in an action from them faster than they would ever have. Not doing anything about it however just leaves everyone in distress, especially since it has been said - vaguely, if I may add - that U1 has jumped the gun and sued someone before. BUT, if we get a yes, and let's be optimistic about that, then that is going to be a huge motivation factor for everyone, and we will be able to progress in this without worrying about anything.

But let's account for the worst scenario, shall we?
[Image: signature.png]
A-Engine: A new beat em up game engine inspired by LF2. Coming soon

A-Engine Dev Blog - Update #8: Timeout

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could you put more info please :D
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(12-14-2015, 05:14 PM)Memento Wrote:  We could consider blending this project with LF2 Extended as we have made SOME progress, but progress is rather slow.

Actualy I don't see what to blend yet.
THis NLFFG has no progress or even it was not announced as being developed.
LF2 Extended as far as I know already have most of the stuff planned, the only thing it lacks is a team, so you could not blend both projects but just get some more useful people and I am not the one of these useful ones.
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
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(12-14-2015, 11:22 PM)Faker Wrote:  
(12-14-2015, 05:14 PM)Memento Wrote:  We could consider blending this project with LF2 Extended as we have made SOME progress, but progress is rather slow.

Actualy I don't see what to blend yet.
THis NLFFG has no progress or even it was not announced as being developed.
LF2 Extended as far as I know already have most of the stuff planned, the only thing it lacks is a team, so you could not blend both projects but just get some more useful people and I am not the one of these useful ones.

I understand ur point as u want sth new and we have a story and everything planned out already. Also I don't realy get if this new game here is supposed to be new chars story inspired by LF2 or if u just want am LF2 copy remade. If so then I don't really see any sence in it. LF2 is almost perfect on its own and can't be better made as a copy.

Apart from that I don't think mono and a man u two are on the same page.
A man is trying to motivate and get people in by going with a concept where everyone decides we go with polls and the more voted stuff is made (?)

Now now, if I remember correctly that was exactly why u left extended LF2
Things weren't going as u imagined, we decided as majority on story parts concepts and characters. The problem I see here that this wouldn't be a difference btw the new game progress and the one on extlf2.

Don't get me wrong, I admire ur guys motivation and strong will to get this going but I'm feared this will end in a tiny *poof*

Prove me wrong, I would love that
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(12-13-2015, 06:56 AM)A-Man Wrote:  And regardless, I leave it to the spriters to decide what style they'd like to use. But I highly urge it isn't LF2-proportioned. These are some very well executed retro works, if you think they can make things simpler:

Please don't, the way LF2 sprites are just awesome and I think we should continue on this style. If we want to make things simpler we should do it by using Gad's char-generator rather than making them completely different. LF2 sprites look cute and they blend with physics of the game very well and feels more game-ish in my eyes. They even give you some 3D feel in sprite level. It's not known how original LF2 sprites are made but people think it has something to do with vector graphics. I hope we don't go other way since I can't imagine it with pixelated chars...

And about the engine, I think I can make a DCer for it -since I'm highly experienced in this area :)- but it's not gonna happen before game gets it's first alpha release.
Ultimately, my constant dissatisfaction with the way things are becomes the driving force behind everything I do.
[Image: sigline.png]
LF2 IDE - Advanced visual data changer featuring instant data loader
LF2 Sprite Sheet Generator - Template based sprite sheet generator based on Gad's method
[Image: sigline.png]
There is no perfect language, but C++ is the worst.
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(12-15-2015, 01:31 AM)Nightmarex1337 Wrote:  Please don't, the way LF2 sprites are just awesome and I think we should continue on this style. If we want to make things simpler we should do it by using Gad's char-generator rather than making them completely different. LF2 sprites look cute and they blend with physics of the game very well and feels more game-ish in my eyes. They even give you some 3D feel in sprite level. It's not known how original LF2 sprites are made but people think it has something to do with vector graphics. I hope we don't go other way since I can't imagine it with pixelated chars...

And about the engine, I think I can make a DCer for it -since I'm highly experienced in this area :)- but it's not gonna happen before game gets it's first alpha release.

You're missing the point, the whole idea of this game came into existence because of Faker's quality BIGGER lf2 character's sprites. Pixelated might not be the way to go but I'd definitely want something bigger, not only it is fresh but would look great in game too.
(03-20-2016, 06:41 PM)mfc Wrote:  Be the unsqueezable sponge!
My new life motto!
Thanks given by: A-Man
Well, if we get the permission, then I am in, that's the last comment from me for now.
Still, seeing not much people was hyped by this idea...
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
Thanks given by: Jahvansi

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