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RaMafia Special - The End
I don't know what your 'evidence' is, but I am a citizen and I received that PM. You can believe me or not, I don't care. It's Ramond's words against yours and A-Man.
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Even if you are a real townie, then What is left for my network is to figure out a mafia abilty that might have caused it.

Who knows, maybe artisan altering what is sent from ramond to townie.
[Image: llqsMqz.jpg][Image: llqsMqz.jpg][Image: llqsMqz.jpg][Image: llqsMqz.jpg]
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what i thought first was that the real mentalist was HB and he pmed aman last night, telling him he was the target and pretending and ......

But since Aman says he is the real mentalist shocked me!

I doubt HB is the real mentalist. If we were he could accuse AMAN for lying. he never did.

i think this is a conspiracy from mafia, they needed HB death for unknown reasons and theory that HB's death would provide a very important info.

or HB just wanted to say that "i am the real mentalist, you can prove it with my death", which is extremely poor strategy.
Thanks given by: Rhino.Freak , A-Man
Let us wait for what happens tonight and draw our conclusions from that. There is no reason to post risky information just now as it might lead mafia into the right direction. Mainly adressing this to mfc, but dropping it here for everyone to think about.
Thanks given by: Rhino.Freak , A-Man , T.O.R.N.A.D.O
I have to agree with empirefantasy.
1. Given the abilities of Mentalist, it is an interesting and important role to the townie side.
2. Killing off such an important role just to prove his innocence? It's super stupid and not something a real mentalist would do.
3. Why did he PM Nave in particular?

HB and The Nave are appearing the most suspicious to me as of now.
(03-20-2016, 06:41 PM)mfc Wrote:  Be the unsqueezable sponge!
My new life motto!
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I would like to ask the doctor to protect me as I am-
the Spy
My active is to get a player's role and skills each night
And passive to appear mafia sided

Anyway I would check a-man this night so we could be sure what is role is

I would need the doc as iv got a feeling that a-man is not the mentalist and he could lead the mafia to kill me as he know I can check him
[Image: p45mycA.png]
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(02-04-2016, 10:20 AM)Apocalipsis Wrote:  I don't know what your 'evidence' is, but I am a citizen and I received that PM. You can believe me or not, I don't care. It's Ramond's words against yours and A-Man.
Let's assume you really did get a pm. What exactly is that supposed to imply? I mean, if you really believe Hellblazer was the mentalist, does that not mean he simply chose to block your ability in particular? Your arguments are so weak all of the sudden.

mfc Wrote:Also I will say that I kind of trust TheNave too, after seeing all these happen.
Really? It really does seem like he played a big role in this. Plus, I am the mentalist, obscuring that fact won't change anything.

Everyone, please stay calm. We still have the night phase to get to the lynching phase, and I believe we'll learn a lot by then.

I am still accepting role PMs to those who weren't so hasty to judge.
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Well let's fill you guys in with the details:

In the first night of the game, it was actually mfc who PM'ed A-Man that he's beeing targeted that night, mfc told him that he was the mentalist and has those abilities, then A-Man publicly announced that he was beeing targeted and cried for help from the doctor.
When that worked, they decided to team up, gathering information about everyones role while hoping to rely on the doctor every night to win the game... but theeeeen, PLOTTWIST, Hellblazer was the real Mentalist, that means, I dunno if A-Man is into this, but I'm certain mfc is mafia
@A-Man sorry to tell you that, but you have been used...

also, everyone who shared his role and/or abilities with A-Man/mfc, those are probably within mafia hands already and depending on how many people that have been, the game might already be lost no matter if we get mfc or not

PS: this also explains HB's attitude, why he has been trolling and lost interest in the game... his role has been claimed by somebody else and if he would speak against it nobody would belive him because... well, nobody belives hellblazer... so he just f***** around his own way
Thanks given by: Ariel
Now you are really pulling some weird story... Nobody believes hellblazer? he could have at least tried. No. Hellblazer just got angry at other mafia members, had a fight with them probably, and ragequit. I cannot confirm this but it's my theory.

Hellblazer could really do like:

"GUYS IM MENTALIST, KILL ME IF U WANT PROOF" and it would work for him better. but dying like this? no. Also i will let you know the Monk is townie.

I wont tell you who the mentalist is because the weak point of mentalist. If he gets targeted, he will receive a random name from ramond.

So nave, i still trust you but dont make weird stories please :)
[Image: llqsMqz.jpg][Image: llqsMqz.jpg][Image: llqsMqz.jpg][Image: llqsMqz.jpg]
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I don't trust mfc at all from where I stand. All he has told that Hellblazer is not really a mentalist and it could that mafias are laying a trap. BUT, where the hell is proof? All we see is you writing that. How can we know that you aren't a mafia yourself trying to turn the game around by confusing people? This is all conjecture unless we see some solid proof.

Granted, it is possible that what you say can be true but it is farfetched and unreliable considering you hiding this xx guy who could be the real mentalist in your opinion.

Or, another plot twist, YOU ARE THE REAL MENTALIST!
[Image: 11twnjn.png]
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