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Classic Mafia - Conclusion!
Process of elimination, I don't have real solid evidence against you guys, yet somebody has to be mafia, and everyone else other than Apoc, Luti and you are very unlikely in my opinion
and I explained multiple times before, that Amadis wasn't even online in Night 0, he had no clue the game had even started yet and arrived at Day 1... that makes him extremly unlikely to have any role that has a night ability... and yes, mafia could have just used their 2 out of 3 majority to do the kill in that night, yet I think actually contacting everyone first atleast once is way more common for mafias to do... that's why it's only ALMOST 100% though
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I see. How would you explain what Rhino said in his last words then?
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AmadisLFE Wrote:Rhino shoot the Mafia

Rhino was shot by the mafia

Welp.....The Shot backfired.

@v Oh right...No Ghost talk..
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You're just dying if you're living and thinking about a betrayal, revive yourself.
Think about that one person that has trusted you forever, not the thousand people that have betrayed you.
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Pretty much meaningless to me, he didn't recieve a check result that night because he died, so his last words are probably just his own opinion and I know that I'm not mafia so atleast I know that they're wrong

shhh, you're dead


Don't you guys think it's strange for Rhino to die this night, in my opinion that was a pretty risky move from the mafia considering the chance he was protected was quite high... Before the night ended it seemed that Rhino did show some trust torwards me so Mafia probably thought he'd check one of the two guys (Luti or Somin) I said were most likely mafia... That means atleast one of those must be a Mafia Goon and they were scared he'd actually get the right one, thus leading to such a risky move and actually targeting him that Night
That just confirms it even more for me atleast LutiChris or Simoneon must be mafia, maybe even both

BUT as it stands now I'm not trusted atall so I'll change me vote to TheNave and hope when my Townieness is confirmed postdeath you'll go for those I suggested even though I won't be there to lead you guys anymore
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(03-01-2016, 12:06 PM)TheNave Wrote:  If we loose I blame it on all the citizens that voted for Amadis! Sure, Luti might be a citizen aswell, still he had way more interaction with different players and thus revealing his role would have made a way bigger impact on the game, especially for me as I'm following quite a few theories here myself
(03-01-2016, 12:35 PM)TheNave Wrote:  @LutiChris
I'm not talking about playerinteraction as in saying hi to them, but more like in, when I put pressure on you, who's lynching you and who's defending you, splitting the group into half was pretty nice because if you happened to be mafia, you could almost be certain that the last remaining mafia boy was in the group that voted for amadis, since the votes were so close there was no real reason for him to sacrifice and turning against you at all... on the other hand if you happened to turn out as a citizen, the atleast one if not both of the remaining two mafias would have voted to lynch you and follow me because I was leading the lynch at that point and it wouldn't have put any pressure on them... on the other hand, having amadis role revealed who was inactive other than a few "I RNG vote for X"-posts and who was almost 100% confirmed citizen did not make any impact atall for me to shorten down the list of possible suspects
and as your role is still uncertain right now there was no gain in information

I'm not saying we would have had a chance of getting a mafia member 100% if he turned out to be a townie, I'm just saying we would have had more to work with than we have now after lynching Amadis

I don't see how you would have got more information just from everyone voting Luti at that time (regardless of what role he has).

(03-01-2016, 12:06 PM)TheNave Wrote:  well, whatever you do, even if you lynch me... this is my SAFELIST! Players on that list are extremly unlikely mafia:
- @empirefantasy
- @Jernemies

This is my, "could have tricked me but most likely innocent aswell"-list
- @Darl
- @Ramond
- @Bamboori

And here my, "most likely two out of those three are mafia"-list:
- @Apocalipsis
- @Simoneon
- @LutiChris


(03-01-2016, 12:06 PM)TheNave Wrote:  (An extremly unlikely but possible mafia combination could be Apoc + Jernemies aswell (yes yes I know I put jernemies on my safelist, this is an exception scenario) based on the little fact that CosmicSarasa said he only came to vote because Apoc notified him on day 1, the questions is: why was cosmic notified and jernemies wasn't? both mafia maybe? just a snippet of a theory I just found when reviewing all the previous posts)

Like I said in the previous game, I know Cosmic IRL, so when I saw that Cosmic wasn't posting anything, I asked him "Do you know the game has started? We are voting now". It's technically against the rules, but he only enters the forum for this game, so I felt he wasn't going to appear if I didn't told him.

I don't know why everyone followed my vote against Amadis, honestly. I was just using simple facts and a hunch. But it's not as bad as it appears, since if we get to know Luti's role now, and he ends up being Mafia, then I would have something against Bamboori, Simoneon and Darl (even though he's safe for now, because he was checked).

That's why I was going to vote against Luti today. But for some reason I wake up and I see Nave voting for himself... I imagine he would try to save himself at all cost if he were to be Citizen, to don't lose another day round lynching an innocent guy.

Still, I think I'll vote against Luti. It's not that easy to get 5 votes, in ~7 hours, without even asking for them.
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Fine LutiChris aswell then if I get more support this time
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Yes Luti didn't want to die, so he cannot be Citizen.

Similarly, Nave wants to die, so he cannot be Citizen.
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Thanks given by: Bamboori
Well that settles it
f*** the townies
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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This round is so confusing. I like that.
Thanks given by: AmadisLFE , A-Man
(02-26-2016, 07:28 PM)Apocalipsis Wrote:  Prediction for this night's kill: Nave, mfc or me.

3 Mafias confirmed. Apocalipsis you seem to like confusion too much. Confusion that no citizen could possibly like. Sorry, but I'm convinced about this now.
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