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Character: Filiop
Please Notice, This is just first version of my char.
Hi, I have created my first more complex character (need some practice to play with). He is Filiop, the hero using  only martial art, but can accumulate air around him for few moments.

[Image: filiop_face_kopie.jpg][Image: www_gifcreator_me_w1vbi0.gif][Image: www_GIFCreator_me_HNxba_X.gif][Image: image.gif]

Filiop can throw kunay, or pull out SAI for fight.
My inspiration was AiKiDo and Japan weapon SAI.

- movelist
- Techniques by using in fight =>Easy, normal, hard...
          ... D → A  Throwing Kunay + A,A,A  (next Kunay)
          ... D ↑ A  Ikkyo (Aikido move) + A  super punch, (but not to the enemy, Its in case next enemy is forward)
          ... D ↓ A  Yokomen uchi (Aikido hand attack) + A (Nune Tsuki, Chest thrust, powerful, but need to be rly close)
          ... D J A Aikikai body star
          ... D → J Pulls out SAI weapon (New way of fighting and combinations)

- With SAI is Filiop faster, but cannot grab things and drink

          ... D J A  Air explosion (take some time to accumulate air)
          ... D ↑ A  Throw wave of air
          ... D → A  Combo with SAI
          ... D ↓ A  Sticking
          ... D → J  Hide SAI weapons (back to normal attack style)

Yokomen uchi (Click to View)
Filiop_0 with SAI (Click to View)

Just try it for fun :)

Iam already thinking about improving my character, but need to learn more about advanced data changing. I will really appreciate some help. If anyone want to improve it or change, can freely do it.
Looks pretty creative. Its past midnight here, so I'll make this a quick one:

1) You don't need to have so many data files.
* You can get rid of filiop.dat and just have filiopN.dat & filiopSAI.dat.
* You can merge filiopSAI_ball.dat & filiopSAI_exp.dat together as one data.

2) A lot of the grabs are bugged.
* Normal filiop DvA has a mistake in where "wait: 9" is written as "wait:9", causing the frame to be bugged.
* Normal filiop D^A is also bugged; if you press A at a specific frame, you will just drop the enemy.
* SAI filiop can't grab. I don't know if its intentional, but if you don't want him to grab, you should make the grab use a special move instead of just lifting him up as is.

3) Other things
* filiopSAI sometimes attacks once, other times he attacks twice when you press A.
* D>J shouldn't be the command to transform. Use DJA to transform instead while bodystar can use D>J.

Wanted to see what I could do to improve the data, but for some reason my VDCer refuses to open the sprites.
[Image: uMSShyX.png]
Steiner v3.00 (outdated), Challenge Stage v1.51
Luigi's Easier Data-Editor, A-Man's Sprite Mirrorer
Working on the LF2 Rebalance mod.
Avatar styled by: prince_freeza
Thanks given by: AmadisLFE , filiop
(07-06-2016, 07:23 PM)STM1993 Wrote:  edit:
Wanted to see what I could do to improve the data, but for some reason my VDCer refuses to open the sprites.

I Found out, that the problem with sprites view in VDCer is becouse of the root. I renamed it and it works.
Renamed file:

Thanks STM1993
- You are right. Need to improve and check data. The merge of data is good Idea. I tried it, but fail to make it work (now its little bit messy :\ )

- For Sprites I used Photoshop. I plan to replace special movement with advanced Karate, Aikido and Kendo movements, Also I would like to create boken or katana weapon, which will be used only like special move.

- I would be happy, if you can help me with the data:
1. I dont know how to create Weapon, which can be held only by one specific char.
2. -//- how to properly work with X, Y, Z directions of enemy being attacked.

Think I need to find some experienced "Data Changer". I saw your chars and you are.
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