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quality chars
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

Thanks given by: the mad maskman
Some of Bat-mans moves are quite overpowered, though, playing without them makes him balanced so I guess he somewhat fits. There is also a char on the mainsite, Freero I think he was called..Pretty sure he isn't that overpowered, although the main-char sprites are...somewhat bad.

Also, have you tried Alblaka's chars?
The Ninjatales, Striker , Jamel, I have most of his chars on my old Hard Disks, I'll see if I can recover them. Also, some of his chars are on the mainsite, such as Striker, Chrone, Cleric, Sharn, Spark.
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You're just dying if you're living and thinking about a betrayal, revive yourself.
Think about that one person that has trusted you forever, not the thousand people that have betrayed you.
Thanks given by: the mad maskman
@^:well, while i do like albalaka's chars, they do not fit an important condition, which is, not being overpowered. most of them are. you can of course play without using the cheap moves(cleric's hell move, chrone's hell move, no bugging the ai with sharn's illusions,...) but even then, they still are stronger than original heroes. jamel in particular. he's kinda undefeatable. he was meant to use his elementals to cast spells, but letting them rampage often gives you way better results. take nohan as another example. his shadows are quick to summon, and he can assault the enemy at long range, until he has enough mana to summon a mera shadow. but, they are incredibly fun to play thanks to their creative moveset, and, uh, perfectly well done sprites(this is a joke). offtopic: if you still have the link for the older chars(sile for example) please pm me. i would really like to test them.
for your other suggestion ,freero, then yes, he perfectly fits in here. while I don't like playing with him(moves are boring) he is close to what some people might like. i'll add him just after i finish this post.
@Memento: WARNING: this is going to be really long!
Earth: well, nice character. pretty balanced, nice sprites, creative moveset. personal thoughts: i really like this guy, he's fun to play. i'll add him right now.
Goku: goku is nice. his sprites are awesome, his moves are really well done. his super sayian mode is obviously meant to be a boss character, since he's really overpowered, i'd say even more than julian. will add him to first post.
nino: well, nino was the first modded character i ever downloaded in lf2. i'm pretty surprised i forgot to add him in this collection Shock . the only issue i have with him, the moves simply chain too well into themselves. not a bad thing, but it can be pretty overpowered. he can do high damage with his combos, even the most basic ones, and they do not require specific positioning. but! if i do not add nino to this collection, then either i'm mad(wich i am, but you understand what i mean), or this is a bad collection.
Lighto: definetly one of the best characters i ever played with. it's simply AWESOME to destroy every opponent that stands in your way with that long sword :D ! he is overpowered, but that is exactly why he is fun to play. he is as strong as louis ex. will add to first post.
Marshall: boss character. he is as strong as firzen. his moves are really original, especially the counter move. really nice sprites. also, he looks like julian. anything else? well, yes, it is that if you do not like marshall, i will personally reduce you to ash, then stomp your ashes with my own feet, then... sorry, i got too angry. definetly will add.
also, can you please provide me with their links? i used to all have them on my computer, but i deleted them because i didn't have space left (my hard disk is only 100 gb)
make sure to check my sprites!
I guarantee your eyes won't hurt! At least, they won't hurt too much :p !
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A character is automatically 2-10(or more) times more powerful when controlled by a player.
Imo, the best way for comparison is to let the AI duke it out with another AI. Given the char actually has an AI , :P .
Also, most modded hero chars with an ai is slightly better than the average ai, thus making them look somewhat stronger. Try YinYin's Crusher Davis AI, it'll make you feel like Davis is over-powered. (Which he kind of is, that Dragon Punch.)
Then fight against the Normal Davis ai, he is like an ant compared to the Crusher Davis AI. So yeah. Still, most of YinYin's chars have AI's that are somewhat on par with original chars . :D . Can't say much for most of the other chars with AI though. Steiner AI, I am pretty sure it is somewhat balanced to the original ai's. Can't remember much from the NinjaTales, Striker or, whatever. Chrone, Sharn, Spark, and most of Alblaka's other chars don't have AI's, sadly. Anyway, that's all from me now, I'll see if there are more chars that somewhat are on par with the original chars.

Also, if you do a move-spam-fest, a char is automatically overpowered. ;)
On another Note: Lighto is stronger than all of the original characters, I mean, his range and damage are seriously high. Although he is pretty cool.

Oh, also, separate the boss-level chars and the normal level chars :p .
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You're just dying if you're living and thinking about a betrayal, revive yourself.
Think about that one person that has trusted you forever, not the thousand people that have betrayed you.
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maybe that a player-controlled character is stronger, but i can't quite understand what you are trying to say? if what you mean is that albalaka's chars are in fact not overpowered, then, according to his own statement, in nohan's thread, his characters are 115% (over)powered.
also, what i meant by saying a certain char becomes overpowered when you spam, i meant that in a fight where both opponents spam their moves, he has the advantage.
and actually, when i said that it was a joke, i meant the part about the sprites, not about them being fun to play.
oh, before i forget, i do not understand what you said. a character is weaker when controlled by the ai, but yinyin's crusher davis ai is stronger than normal characters? did you mean the original AIs of the lf2 chars?
well, that's all, please do not take this as trying to begin a fight.
make sure to check my sprites!
I guarantee your eyes won't hurt! At least, they won't hurt too much :p !
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Just throwing this out there, these are only my opinions on the chars. Others may or may not have different opinions about them.

Yes, I meant the original ai's, try fighting against YinYin's crusher Davis, then the normal Davis.
Crusher Davis AI is the only AI that I still have trouble with fighting.
Also yes, I know you meant sprites, not the playability part :P , playability-wise, Alblaka's chars are one of the best chars.
Also, most chars aren't overpowered unless you spam their attacks.
For example, I can call Davis overpowered, since the Dragon Punch ( Uppercut Move ) is hard to avoid. If you spam it, Davis is easily overpowered, if you don't spam it like 20 times in a single game, then, he is balanced. ( Its why tournaments only permit 2-3 Dragon Punches)
Julian's main power is his skulls, which chases opponents and take VERY low mp, also, did I mention it deals FOURTY damage per hit?! Thats a 120-damage in a single go (Or maybe even 160, I've noticed his skulls sometimes hits falling enemies), without it, he becomes much weaker. Being a boss-level char he is still WAY stronger than the normal char. But as I mentioned above, he is much weaker without skull blasts.
Not like there isn't a way to counter Julian when he is skull-blastin', most of them begin with a z-dash attack. (Z=up/down btw) , trying to attack Julian directly means suicide.
You can easily avoid Davis AI's DP ( dragon punch ) by fighting on z-width instead of x, or blocking, though the latter is somewhat of a gamble :P .
Firzen is super imbalanced, He can ONE SHOT Julian, which is why its best to use combo's on him to quickly defeat him, rather than slowly killing him.
Bat's lasers are somewhat powerful but easily avoided, the 'fast punch' skill is also easily avoided. His bats are the only thing that are annoying, not to mention you can combo via a tri-hit from the bats, send the opponent into their Dance of Pain frames (The frames where you can grab the opponent) , make sure you are basically inside the opponent, D^J, huge damage, then you can attack and send them to a DoP again, just like how you can make all 5 shurikens of Rudolf's D>A hit and follow up with more shurikens because of a game-glitch. Still, Bat is beatable, just need to be careful of your movements, and that they don't lead into his bats hitting you.
LouisEX? D>A wind blasts do heavy damage (Like 60-80) and he can do up to 5-6 wind shots. Enough said. And since normal LF2 doesn't have wind sprites visible, you can easily get flanked by an invisible blast from far away. Which is why people prefer to make wind files visible. Still, LouisEX can be easily beaten on z-axis melee hits, unless you're bad at melee xD, which is not my case, I do best at melee, ranged chars? I just CAN'T play them at ALL. I'm bad at ranged chars even when against Vanilla Characters....So yeah, there's that. LouisEX should be way easier with ranged chars though.

Also, its not a fight unless both parties insult each other, what we're having is a calm conversation about Char's Powers, a calm conversation is an intelligent conversation.

HOLY HELL (Wat?) I wrote more than I expected.
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You're just dying if you're living and thinking about a betrayal, revive yourself.
Think about that one person that has trusted you forever, not the thousand people that have betrayed you.
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I agree with pretty much everything you said, except the thing about julian being much weaker without is skulls. Soul bomb is pretty op too. He can easily blast enemies away if they somehow enter a range were they can punch. A player using julian is pretty much undefeatable, even against 2 or three players. Also, firzen controlled by ai,unlike julian, is super weak, you can watch him using his canon, while you are too low on the z ax is for it to be able to hit you. But, when controlled by player Shock . Good luck defeating him. Well, with bat, nothing to say, you're right. Bat isn't as strong as the other secret chars. Louis ex, well, strength really depends on if you play cheap or not, and on the background. I assume all what you said applies when the background is the hk coliseum. In another place, louis ex becomes truly overpowered. 1: quickest char in the game. He can flee the moment you approach him.2: The wind he has counters all projectiles. You can't chose to go ranged. 3: thunder punch is a pain in the a**. Seriously, the flying version is way too overpowered. Deals really good damage, super easy to hit the opponent with. 4: he attacks while running. Almost all energy balls in the game are unable to hit him, except julian's skulls and soul bomb.
Of course, louis ex's ai is too stupid to take advantage of what i said. Also, i cannot understand why is louis ex bad at meelee. Of course, his melee combo isn't that good(personal opinion), but his punching range is bigger than the other vanilla chars.
Well, about davis, i really do not know what to say. I rarely play him, but i find it quite annoying when my sister stops my combos with that dragon punch Evil .
Also, i think that this is enough for talking about the original chars. This is not the purpose of the thread. :p .
Offtopic: did you find the links for the albalaka's old characters?
make sure to check my sprites!
I guarantee your eyes won't hurt! At least, they won't hurt too much :p !
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There is a Julian AI that abuses Skull-Blast, and tries to run with DJA every time you get close. So yeah. He is weaker without the skulls, soul bomb can be dodged and...I've noticed he aims it Vertically most of the times, removing the necessity to move from your place sometimes even. His Soul Column is hard to avoid if he uses it while you are close to him, which is why we use Z-Axis Dash attacks, which, when positioned right, breaks Julian's armor and leaves you undamaged, and you can follow up with your attacks, or even a grab, making Julians own skulls hit him. Hue. Although that is a little Risky. Following up with other attacks is a much safer and better idea.

Davis, as I said, his dragon-punch is really powerful and it basically is unavoidable unless you're in walking state in which case, you might be able to block! If not, ouch. Did you know Davis is able to do up to 400 damage with a single combo? Luckily its possible to avoid both Dragon-Punches, that however, isn't always the case when it comes to AI's, kek.

Also, only attacks that have state 3005-3006 or other states like state 15, can hit LouisEX ,even Julian's Skulls can't hit a running LouisEX. And, almost every AI is bad at Melee, and easily countered by a player using punches on the Z-Axis. And yes, it doesn't include Julian, he has 2x armor and punches faster than like Davis or Woody or whatever, doesn't include Hunter, Henry and Rudolf, those guys don't even melee, xD. Also, never forget Z-Axis attacks, they are the worst enemy of AI's, xD .

Anyway, there are likely no working links online for those chars. What I'm trying to do is recover my old hard-disks, they had most of Alblaka's chars. :D , there are chances others have Alblaka's chars downloaded and on their current hard-disk. So, either gotta wait for those few people that have his chars, or wait for my old 2 hard-disks to recover.

Hm, there was a char by the one and only MH-Razen, called Targaros. He's on the mainsite.

Also, try fighting all these chars in Survival Mode, on Difficult Difficulty. :P , it requires a different strategy to Survival than to VS.

Anyway, lets get on-topic now. :D
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You're just dying if you're living and thinking about a betrayal, revive yourself.
Think about that one person that has trusted you forever, not the thousand people that have betrayed you.
Thanks given by: the mad maskman
1: i played against that julian after i found the ai. I gave up aftr the seventh try. That guy using that ai, is simply undefeatable, unless you use cheap moves such as infinites(i got him using denis' one with the grab).
2: wich combo Shock
3: i meant julian's skulls tend to attack from behind, so it's almost useless to try blocking them with the run. Also, when firing many of them, they can break through the run.
4: looks like i'll have to wait. I hope it won't take much time
5: Ok, then, targaros is somewhat hard to describe. Its sprites are louis ex's body+ woody's head, but the copypaste here is nice, so i will not complain. Anyways, he was created by the creator of lf-empire. While some of the moves are just like louis ex, some are original, like the column shield.overall nice char to play with. Will add as soon as i open my computer.
6: i will try in a few minutes.
7: we already did get on topic :p
make sure to check my sprites!
I guarantee your eyes won't hurt! At least, they won't hurt too much :p !
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Davis Combo:
A+A+A+(halt)D>A+>>+DvA+D^A+D^A , although you can avoid the D>A and go straight to DvA, just 30 damage less, its not that easy to do the halt thing either, try doing it in half-framerate. Also, gotta press DvA all at once. Else it won't work.
Here's a gif (Click to View)

And yeah, see how powerful Julian is with the skulls? If real Julian AI was that, then....yeah...
So, he loses his skull blasts, he gets nerfed big-time, low mp costing, 40 damage dealing, chasing skulls, that are shot rapidly one after another....yeah...sounds absolutely balanced doesn't it? XD .

Emmet seems like a balanced char, although he does have an op move. His DvJ , chops away a lot of health. Punch sprites could have been better, :p . He has flight too but it doesn't seem like "I fly so high you can't touch me" , and he doesn't seem to be able to attack while flying either so yeah.
There's also Gray, A bandit with woody's dash, jacks backflip-kick ( D^A ) and Dennis's DvA, fun. Unless you do movespam, he isn't overpowered either, haha.
You could include TemplateX, sure, he's a template, but hey, he's original and fun to play as well XD.
Speaking of templates, you could also include Felix's Template Real mod. Original , and fun to play templates :p .

Also, some chars don't have "_mirror" files, so put this in your first post, Copy it and remove that one space that is stopping it from working :p :

[url=]The A-Bitmap Mirrorer[ /url]
How to use:
Put this in where your sprites are at. Run it and wait until its done. Disadvantages? Quite big, mirrors every bitmap file including "Face" and "S" pictures, doesn't mirror mirrored files though :P .

Spoilered Spoilers (Click to View)

You're just dying if you're living and thinking about a betrayal, revive yourself.
Think about that one person that has trusted you forever, not the thousand people that have betrayed you.
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