12-14-2008, 01:50 PM
I learned dcing from the LFE website for a while, i have a question
how do i see how far and high will the victim move when i use an attack , for example davis dragon punch, julians explosion............

[solved] Need some help
12-14-2008, 01:50 PM
I learned dcing from the LFE website for a while, i have a question
x: <-----------> -ve.......+ve y/z: ^ -ve | | | | | V +ve the larger the number, the further the guy will move. http://www.lf-empire.de/LFEv8.0/index.ph...Itemid=137 Azriel~
but which one dvy dvx ...will it make the person go up and which make it go further ? thanks...
Thanks given by: xSoulz
12-17-2008, 12:56 PM
yeh but if u use dvx and dvy and u want it to work on oppenet put it in itr and to make the chracter go up it dvy: -xx (xx number u want them to go up) you understand
Thanks given by: xSoulz
12-17-2008, 01:50 PM
negative dvx-value: move to the left*
positive dvx-value: move to right* negative dvy-value: move up positive dvy-value: move down * = assuming that your character is facing right. There are no statistical values yet for the dv-stuff. Let's say it the following way: # a dvy: -2 makes your character go up relatively slowly. The more negative the value is, the faster you'll go up (dvy: -50 will make you sky-rocket, you won't even see yourself, you'll just disappear into the air :P). # dvy: -1 makes you slowly come down to the ground # dvy: [greater than 0] makes your char "smash" into the ground (not that effect but that speed :P) # dvx: 4 is about walking speed, 10 is approx. running speed The higher the values, the more unrealistic things are created. itr's with something like dvx: 80 dvy: -50 might look cool at first but later it just looks.... wrong and stupid........
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~ "Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably. » Gallery | » Sprites | » DeviantArt Thanks given by: xSoulz
wow...i learned more than what i expected...thanks guys
i have one last question...i wan to do a dragon punch that will affect the whole screen ,everyone will get hit how do i do that
12-22-2008, 10:47 AM
assuming you already implemented the dragon punch into your dat-file, this is what you've to change:
# go to the itr-part in these dragon-punch-frames # set the values to the following: x: -9999 y: -500 w: 20000 h: 800 # make the zwidth: 999 # do this with every dragon-punch-itr. This will give you the screen-filling-attack ![]()
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~ "Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably. » Gallery | » Sprites | » DeviantArt Thanks given by: xSoulz
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