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Trio Mortale [MOD]
Sry for the long quiet-time, but i hat to fight against problems with itr:3 XD

But here's the new version:
-A few balances
-The 7th character: Ijen (Sprites from Dennis)

Ijen uses mainly graps (like you could guess) to perform (kicking) combos.

His pecial attack, the "32 Nails" screwed me up, really...
He should kick the opponent 64 (!) times... But... uhm...
A tip for beginners: Don'T try to get with the frame numbers over 399 -.-
So i had to reduce the amount of kicks to 32 :/

And here some information for the next (and last) 3 characters of my mod:
-[...], the Half-elemental (Firen's sprite, i plan to make his flames violett ^^)
He will be able to switch to an "etheral" (unmoveable, invulnerable stance) and uses mainly chasing balls (void balls) and other void-like abilities
-[...], the Necromancer (John's sprites)
Of course he uses spells relating to ice, souls, bones, whatever... Maybe something with demons...
-[...], the Unbreakable (Woody's (?) sprites)
Will have several moves to defend more effetive, like Flameshield, Traps and so on...

PS: New version avaible, get it here!
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It is actually possible to make 64 kicks. What you have to do for this: create a dummy-object (preferably t0) in a frame that is played only once in the sequence (like chargin up for the attack) via opoint. Calculate, how many frames you'll need for the 32 kicks and insert that value in the dummy. It needs a bdy somewhere unreachable ad runs with state: 14 (so that enemies won't react to it). And, guess what, you add an itr/k: 8 in the last kick, so that the char will run through the sequence once more. Now you don't need the dummy-object anymore, so write "next: 1000" and there you have your 64 kicks ;)
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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(01-19-2009, 08:00 AM)Blue Phoenix Wrote:  It is actually possible to make 64 kicks. What you have to do for this: create a dummy-object (preferably t0) in a frame that is played only once in the sequence (like chargin up for the attack) via opoint. Calculate, how many frames you'll need for the 32 kicks and insert that value in the dummy. It needs a bdy somewhere unreachable ad runs with state: 14 (so that enemies won't react to it). And, guess what, you add an itr/k: 8 in the last kick, so that the char will run through the sequence once more. Now you don't need the dummy-object anymore, so write "next: 1000" and there you have your 64 kicks ;)

So... i make another char appearing who mainly deals the move, whereas the "real char" does pretty nothing.

Ok, that would be surely a way, too ^^
But i noticed, that even the 32-combo is very long... The 64 would maybe look great, but would be very boring for someone, don't understanding the joke in it ^^
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no, YOU as a char do still the attack, you just opoint a dummy which will make you repeat the 32 kicks again ;)
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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Awww... Yeah, thats a nice idea, too... but could be a bit difficult, since there are different animations for the kicks ^^
I made it somehow to screw up the criminals. Now there aren't any people to free in the stage mode...
I don't know, how i could have caused that... Could someone please help me?
(Couldit have to do with id's between 94 and 91?)
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Criminals have to have ID 300
I think.

Just to clear that up, even if you didn't do anything wrong.
Thanks given by: Alblaka
Hmmm... Then i had messed them up somehow else... with id 300 i have done nothing

*comparing an unmodded and my version of data.txt*
>.> I seem to have deleted the entire criminals entry somehow... Guess during my trys to creating new weapons...

Thx for your id: 300 advice, without it i wouldn't have looked for the entry int he data.txt XD
^^ And here is the next version:

- Again balances and bugfixed, exspecially on Ijen
Ok, ALL fixed were in his datas XD
- Got it to remove (or better: repair) this stupid criminals thingy... I unintentionally disabled all criminals... The tied victims are back ^^
- 8th char: ETOX - The Plane Walker

Etox's attacks are mostly basing on something purple, that crashes the enemy into air XD
He even has some recoulored and altered sprites ^^ (but that was really needed, see below)
His big ability is, to transform into an "Etheral State", which will make him invulnerable, but slow him done, make him loosing mana, and taking the possibility to interact physically with other things.

I admit, this CAN be used to play long-breathed and invulnerable over long-time, but at least with the hp costs of the few moves you can still do as etheral, i hope to reduce that a bit...

And the Void Portal can of course be spammed and create a evil kneevel situation. But it's same as spamming clone rudolphs ^^ You really shouldn't do it, neither against CPU nor in PvP...

Simply test yourself and tell me, what you think ^^

PS: New version avaible, get it he...
Wait... it's below this post XD
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Altough this char was surely one of the most difficult (DANG IT, I WORKED 4 HOURS ONLY ON ONE MOVE (guess which one -.-)), i still made it to finish him within about 26 hours ^^

Here is he:
JAW - The Pseudo-Trapper
I know, the name is funny, but if you have played PvP against him, you will know, why i call him so XD

His ability is (like you can guess) placing traps on all kind, freezing, stunning and invisible ones (most have visible shadows, that's intended).
To place the good traps, you need timing.
OR you simply run around and throw weak traps everywhere... that can kill enemys, too XD

It tried to make a move for him, where an itr:8-armor makes him invulnerable, but it hadn't worked even nearly... We'll see, whether my itr:8-plans for the last char (NEMESIS - The Necromancer) will work :/

Additional i changed some things slightly on Rim's Magnet-move... Now then enemys won'T longer act injured.

Ah, yes, and i noticed an annoying glitch with Etox in Stage Mode: After finishing a stage, his pics will be screwed up slightly until you transform at least one time.
I thought i soluted the "transform = +140 pics"-problem with a third character, but in that special case (switching to another stage) it doesn't seems to work...
If someone knows a solution, please tell me.

New version avaible (like always, below this post).
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Could someone post something here? I'm making now the 4th post in a row -.-

- Amaya won't longer "hurt" (still damage, but the enemy won't get stopped in their actions) enemys with his Shadow Wrath.
- Night had still the ability to "punch-absorb" enemys. Now he will simply punch every enemy with one hit down ^^
- Fixed an animation glitch during Ijen's Combo Kick.
- Rearranged some (many!) states in all dat-files. Mostly between state 15 and 3 XD

And, of course:
NEMESIS (i know, i use that name to often, but it is pretty nice, somehow) - The Necromancer
A recoloured John with abilitys like summoning standard ghosts (Julian's ones) or even more stronger, shooting a freezing ray or teleporting enemys into an astral prison (will make them disappear for about 10 seconds).
Additional he can summon a energy ball, which will summon an exploding armor (it explodes if you get hit... it's called VEGEANCE armor ^^), or convert hp into mp.

My favourite move is clearly the Confusion spell XD.
Quote:Itr:3 + Wide Range + No state:9 + caughtact:210 = EPIC LOL
You should try it, it's damn funny. It will teleport Nemesis and all enemys pretty randomly and can even make them throwing their hold weapons away XD

Hope, you like that, guys. John's sprites are good material to remix it for other moves...

New version is below...
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Quintouble Post >.<

But it is needed; i made some important changes and bufixes and want to list them:

-I removed the Etox-Transforming-Bug and even reduced the filesize for him ^^ You won't longer need the useless etoxfake.dat . How i had done? I changed some pic numbers to make his moves always working, with or without transformation ^^
-Nemesis was much to strong in Melee... So i made his Finishing Move into the Astral Prison one. He will deliver still average damage AND ban the enemy for some time...
-I made the Vegeance Armor (Nemesis DvJ) less sensitive to movements. Slow characters can even run with it, without any problems.
-Mp-cost of Hungry Soul (Nemesis D>J) reduced to 200. This stupid thing mostly hits obstacles or get hit by something non-enemy-like.
-Frost Ray (Nemesis DvA) will now not longer simply freeze everythign around him (if you not noticed, it has also area effects, not only the direct hit), but also deal very low damage. Freezing without damage could be interpreted as "strange" XD
-Fire Spirit (Aivien D^A) is now a continous move. You do not longer need to press any keys to make himw orking further, even other way round: He will burn, UNTIL you press a button (or your mp is empty).
-Fixed some Wpoints in Fire Spirit (Aivien D^A) and Melody of Storms (Aivien DJA). Now the hold weapon will cicle around in the tornado XD
-Meteor (Night DvA) costs now only 120 mp (still 20 hp). It is to difficult to aim usefully... SO i reduced mp-cost ^^
-Mp-cost of Hail of Arrows (Kamil D^J) reduced to 100 mp. Same like Meteor, nearly never hits anything... now you can really spam it some more times, making it impossible for enemys to come close...
-Critical Shot (Kamil D>J) has a longer wait time. So he won't fire very soon after the loading is finished... Was really annoying if he automatically shot to early -.-
-The Ice Arrow won't longer get stucked. Instead he will sometimes hit enemy twice, but for much less damage. Not THAT solution but better then a stucked arrow, really...
-Dark Ritual (Amaya D^J) wpoints fixed, too
-Instead of his Finishing Move Ijen will now perform the Combo Kick. Looks much more Ijen-Stylish (and reduces one more thing, that reminded on Dennis). But for the ability to combine standard attacks with the combo kick, his standard kicks will be slightly weaker now...

That was all, hope, you like the new version ^^
(AND i hope, SOMEONE will be so nice and post anything here... i would be even very happy about critic >.>)

Could somebody close this tread please?
The project is finished, you can get the full Trio Mortale Mod (including new sprites) in this tread.
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