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Sadbhav notices Drahcir and smiles...and the suddenly appears on Drahcir right and gives him a hard punch all the while with a fist made up of Titanium...and then goes further...
If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
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The fist melted upon hitting Drahcir's armor. Since sadbhav was expecting Drahcir to recoil, giving him time to escape, he was totally unprepared for the blue beamsword now sticking out of his chest...
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Grand Fonic Hymn - Orchestral Arrangement. Arranged by me. I promise it's not horribad.
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03-03-2009, 10:35 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-03-2009, 10:36 AM by sadbhav.)
Sadbhav looks in horror at the beam sword sticking out of his chest and then at Drahcir....
Then smiles and turns into a cloud of smoke (quick clone ^^)..then from a hill nearby, he says ''Sneaky guy...aren't you?''
Then he dissapears...heals quickly (1 second) and then Throws a HUGE BLUE BLAST at drahcir and the next poster
If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
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Drahcir stopped two giant blue blasts in the air with some effort before throwing them back at sadbhav.
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Grand Fonic Hymn - Orchestral Arrangement. Arranged by me. I promise it's not horribad.
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Sadly since it is made up his own energy he absorbes them in an jiffy, He smiles evilly and physical can do nothing now....
If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
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Ah, but we can attack the rest of the fleet, Drahcir thought. He spoke into his transceiver. "Concentrate all firepower on those ships! Now!"
Meanwhile, he jumped of the cliff, landed neatly on his feet, and rejoined the fray...
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Grand Fonic Hymn - Orchestral Arrangement. Arranged by me. I promise it's not horribad.
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Jorious Magnam regained consciousness (was a hostage b4 this, and
had one extra life left, woot^^) and saw the end of Drahcir's and
Sadbhav's battle.
After staring dumbfounded at the display of powers for
a few seconds, Jorious pulled himself together. He gathered power for a
telekinetic (air) blast, and launched it at the next 2 posters!
Trust you're all well.
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03-05-2009, 11:22 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-05-2009, 11:23 AM by sadbhav.)
Though sadbhav was not there...his fleet was extremely well trained....They stary raining destruction on the everyone and everywhere....Then suddenly a group of X-Wings appear and join the fleet...
Then suddenly, all ships enter Hyperspace and there seem to be no ships left...they MAY return...
If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
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Completely unprepared to be hit by his own technique,
Jorious Magnam was sent flying, landing on the ground
some 5 meters away.
Fortunatly, this left him just out of range of the destruction
caused by Sadbhav's fleet.
As Jorious got to his feet, he watched the ships enter Hyperspace.
"Ah, so now its just that other one's army left? Oh deary me, whatever
will I do?" Jorious said quite sarcastically. He waited for a response,
and didn't get one. "Fine then!  I'll get you first!"
Jorious jumped backwards and telekinetically lifted a nearby boulder
into the air, and brought it crashing down on the next poster!
Trust you're all well.
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Just after the ship passes a spot Sadbhav suddenly appears appears...and says "anyone wanna help me to get rid of the fleet?" (asking for assiatance, or willing to give assistance)
Then suddenly a lazer narrowly misses him, he notices a medium sized ship shooting at him..."Oh boy, u're sooo gonna get it..." Then he disappears and appears on the ship...standing on it then gets down...the ship suddenly explodes and is gonna fall on Drahcir...
If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
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