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The LF2 Killing Game
(Is that Davis the Good side of him, and the one vs. Mailliw and Drahcir
the Bad side? Cool^^Like the Good had to be removed so Julian could manipulate the Bad, what do you guys think?)

Dark Davis cackled as he forced Mailliw and Drahcir back,
catching Drahcir square in the chest with his Dragon Puch.
Drahcir grunted in pain as he landed some feet away, and
Mailliw roared with anger. Attacking with a vengance, he
gained some ground, but a blast of energy cought him full
in the face and he toppled over, dazed.

Dark Davis made to finish Mailliw, but Sadbhav moved between
them. Dark Davis exchanged blows with Sadbhav and Davis,
and Drahcir and Mailliw, having both recovered, joined the attack.

Dark Davis took a heavy punch from Sadbhav, and he doubled
over, the mask disappearing. Davis began to glow blue as the
black energy faded away. Dark Davis panted heavily "You can't
... beat ... Julian. You ... will all ...Die!" His eyes flared and
then began to fade.
Davis nodded to Drahcir, who, in one sweeping motion of
his sword, ended the fight.

The body turned a bright blue, and as the companions watched,
turned into orbs of light blue energy, and flowed back into Davis.

Davis turned to the group, "Thank you. I think I'll return to The
Prison, and stand guard over it, you needn't worry about it"
Sadbhav and Drahcir nodded, Mailliw spoke "Whats left of it,
anyway ..."

Davis departed, waving goodbye. Sadbhav waved back, and
turned back to Jorious and Stino, both of whom were still
lying on the ground ...
Trust you're all well.
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"well, we're alone now, temporarily atleast. We should take stino's body somewhere safe" then suddenly a bright Idea stuck him, he asks for Drahcirs lightsaber and Drahcir gives it to him.
He then channels a lot of energy to the sword untill it was practically dripping with energy, the he made a X-shaped slash in air. For a few moments it looked like a stupid gesture, then suddenly there was a rip in the openeing into a dark, dark place. He puts stinos body inside it, and seals it again. "He'll come out when he wakes up."

Then he proceeds to Jorious body and looks at him, then strange expressions are seen on Jorious's face, he calls Drachir and Mailliw and asks them "neither of u can tell me what he is dreaming, can you?" while returning Drahcirs Saber with a thanks...

Then he proceed to heal Jorious...

After a while he said "He should be getting up any time now..."
If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
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Drahcir poured a drop of nanodroid solution into Jorious's mouth, then instructed Sadbhav to seal him in the same void as Stino. When he did, Drahcir said, "We should get going. Julian can't be allowed to go any further."
"But first, though, we have a slight problem," replied Sadbhav.
Drahcir turned to see at least five hundred bandits coming their way...

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Grand Fonic Hymn - Orchestral Arrangement. Arranged by me. I promise it's not horribad.
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Sadbhav, Mailliw and Drahcir too their defensive
stances, individual energies crackling about them.

Just as the first Bandits came within range, a
loud blast echoed from their rear. A number of
Bandits were thrown into the air by a vibrantly
purple explosion, as a lady roared
"You don't Think I'm a THREAT huh?!"

A swarm of bats flew out of the smoke, and materialized
into the shape of a lady some distance from Mailliw,
Sadbhav and Drahcir. She turned and faced them,
as the Bandits tried to regroup, having scattered a
bit after the destruction of their last ranks.

"It pisses me off, being dismissed because I'm a girl"
she said irritably, staring at the Bandits "Ah but
where are my manners
?" an arrogant smile
appeared on her face, her fangs showing
"I'm Sariah, the Vampire"

Sariah turned back to the regrouped, approaching
Bandits "In short, I havn't done any serious damage
to you or your friends, so now we're allies" she said simply.

Without giving time for response, her cape opened up
into two, large, bat-like wings "Lets take care of them,
First!" She lifted into the air as the Bandits attacked ...
Trust you're all well.
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As Sadbhav and Mailliw fended off the bandits, Drahcir stood off to one side, gathering his energy. He stayed this way for a full hour, intervening only when Sadbhav and Mailliw looked desperate. When he was finally ready, he launched himself fifty feet into the air right above the middle of the enemy forces and, yelling, "HAAAAAIIIYYYAAAAAAHHH!!1!," projected a HUGE conical blast of fire and wind that wiped out half the remaining forces. He hit the ground rolling and came up beamsword in hand, then immediately started to take out the rest...

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Grand Fonic Hymn - Orchestral Arrangement. Arranged by me. I promise it's not horribad.
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Sadbhav stared at the destruction Drahcir caused and earned a punch in the face by a bandit he was really mad. Being punched in the face by a bandit isn't something anyone would be proud of....

He balled his fists energy coming out of them like fire, then he opened them and let the energy out...after a few meters the energy beams merged....and began forming into something....And a Roar shook everyone out of their pants....There was a lion made of energy killing a number of bandits with each swipe...."maybe we should go insie the void and rest there for a while??!" sadbhav bawled unhappily....
If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
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As Drahcir was hacking, spinning, and slashing his beamsword with one hand, he reached into his pack with the other and took out a light electron beam pistol. He thumbed the switch to automatic and started spraying electric pulses at the bandits with one hand while still hacking, spinning, and slashing with the other. Meanwhile, Mailliw put his two beamswords together by chains on their ends so that he now wielded them nunchuk-style. Sariah swarmed the bandits, feeding off them in droves. Sadbhav's lion swiped at the bandits, eating a few and getting bigger as it did so. Sadbhav himself fought with his energy sword. Finally, Davis, having seen the situation since the party had not quite left yet, rapid-fired energy balls from the hill which the ruins of the Prison was on. After another maybe two hours, the battle ended when Drahcir shot one in the fist and cut him down, then jumped up and floated there for about five seconds while he sniped the rest. He landed neatly on his feet and said to the assembled bats, "Thank you for your assistance. Now, may I inquire about the location of Julian's fortress, if you have that information?"

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Grand Fonic Hymn - Orchestral Arrangement. Arranged by me. I promise it's not horribad.
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Sadbhav lingered behind Drahcir as he asked the swarm of bats the location of Julian's fortress.
The bats replied "nobody can go inside the fortress as long as all the minons of Julian live!!! (muahahahahahahaha as in a bat laughing)...."

Sadbhav made a Disgusted face and made an energy net and threw it on the bats...Killing all of them....

Suddenly a group of Hunters appear and leading was ......Henry......Dark Henry who was also being manupilated by Julian....."looks like Davis wasn't kidding when he said that there was a clone of all of 'em"

Henry shot a critical shot and Drachir Dodged it Sadbhav Ducked and Mailliw simply side-stepped....
Sadbhav got an idea....

As a hunter shot an arrow at Sadbhav he caught the arrow and charged it with his energy and threw it a t the Hunters....."TWO CAN PLAY AT THAT GAME!!!"

then he said to his comrades "looks like I can copy the powers of almost all of the enemies...."
If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
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((Eh, doesn't it seem un...Sariah-like to go like that, since she's our ally?))
And so they made their way to the Wall.
(insert Sadbhav's post minus the Sariah stuff here XD)

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Grand Fonic Hymn - Orchestral Arrangement. Arranged by me. I promise it's not horribad.
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but in the way the get attack by a few more 100 bandit, sadbhav says is a bored voice "what are they doing? they're just giving us some practise......" Then he looks at Drahcir and says "maybe we should practise some combi and also practise fighting 2gether...."
If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
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