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just a short question
(04-11-2009, 05:31 PM)Hypermodder Wrote:  vrest: 12??? Use vrest: 6 or vrest: 5

itr/kind: 3 is catching

Maybe You need to read whole thread. Angel Adam wrote that it need to change to itr/k:1 and I said that this is stupid, 'cuz k:1 is catching when other char is in dance of pain. That's it...
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:thumbs up: 
Can anyone tell me why tired frame is used
[Image: illidansig1.png]
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First of all: this is way offtopic.

Second: They have never been used. Marty and Starsky once want to make everything cost mp (jumping, dashing...) so when you are low on mp, you'll use those frame.
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Try making the vrest or dvy in the itr smaller. (Dvy smaller as in higher absolute value, but negative)

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sorry, I was one week in vacation, that's why my answer comes so late.

I took another vrest but it still doesn't work.

But I think, that some haven't understood yet, what my problem is, so I'm going to tell my problem in another way:
In robotical LF2 louisEx has a great attack: D+down+J and then A.
I wanted to copy this attack into another louisEx file ( I'm Not stealing, this is just for my personal entertainment) but I didn't wanted the object in one of the frames. So I deleted this object-part and wanted to make the spear attack the opponent instead.
What shall I do to make this work?
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