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[solved] Falling Bombs
When a weapon hits someone, it goes to in_the_sky frames (0+). When a weapon hits ground, it goes to on_ground frames (60+).
So, what you have to do is to opoint the bomb at frame 40, and then edit the frames of in_the_sky and on_ground.

This example does what you exactly want to do.

.dat   weapon_grenade1.dat (Size: 28.04 KB / Downloads: 84)
This is originally the grenade example in the mainsite, but I have edited.
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(04-26-2009, 08:04 PM)Alblaka Wrote:  uhm... simply make the next: xxx of the "hitting" frames into the explosion one and give the falling frames something like an itr with injury:0 fall: -1

Then the bomb will "hit" an obstacle while fallign and jump to the hitting frames > explosion

Is that for a type:1 or 3? If 1, there'll be no hitting frames. if 3, how's it supposed to explode when it touches the ground?

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(04-26-2009, 06:18 PM)NocturneSama Wrote:  already tried, it doesn't explodes upon contatc. What happens is when it hits someone, it goes to the flying frames until touch the ground, and in the flying frames it detonates. but i will need the flying frames to make the bomb fall.

I interpreted that as: "I'm using t3, the hit_ground_explosion does already work".

If that was wrong here are (i hope at least) 3 ways to make a t3 hitting the ground:
1) Mess around with the states. Maybe this special-state with "if reach ground, go to frame 94" works for t3's, too...
2) Build another t3 (We call it "G") with a itr'8, that covers the "ground" (of course you have to choose special coordinates, otherwise the itr will hit everything, that is walking around). As soon, as the t3 (with a small bdy) enters the itr8 zone (ground) the G will jump to the bombs position, going to a special frame, where it for itself has a special bdy, that can be detected by the falling bomb (therefore it needs a double special itr'8 all over the time). It will detect the body (for the case it fall further down, before the itr triggered, it will also "teleport back" onto ground height), and go to the "Hey, i'm exploding!"-frame.
3) If there shouldn't be effects like Chasing etc, you could simply make the bomb only falling for a special period of time and automatically exploding after "hitting" the ground. But making that timing accurate could be a bit messy...
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Well... type 1 is easier. No need state, no need itr...
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the problem is: i need the flying frames, since the bomb will fall from the sky...
needing a HEXer .-.
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(04-29-2009, 12:47 AM)NocturneSama Wrote:  the problem is: i need the flying frames, since the bomb will fall from the sky...

The flying frame doesn't matter. The opointed object will fly if you give it a speed, even it is type 1 object. That is the use of the dvx and dvy tag in the opoint.
One thing to note, although the type 1 and 3 object both can vertically fall from the sky, type 1 is more realistic, because type 3 does not accelerates in gravity and hence moves in a constant speed. Consider sommoning type 1 bombs in the half of the sky, even you don't give them speeds, they still falls.
Thanks given by: NocturneSama
Problem soulved. Thanks a lot guys.
needing a HEXer .-.
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