OK, let me show you something.
Now, on the first sight, this looks confusing, I know, so here's what I wanted to show you.
He's having the size of Julian. Not that it matters so much but IF you make a character with roughly Julian-proportions, you should take him as a reference. See the red lines? They're indicating certain positions of your character in comparison to Julian. As you can see, the neck, the arm-pits, the waist; all these things are misproportioned.
Another thing is that the arms are always hanging down in your sprites. Take Julian for example again. His arms aren't going like "|" but more like "\".
Not to mention the shading. Well, you shaded the skin-parts a little, that's good. However, 80% of your character is covered with clothing and that is far away from being shaded. I just wanted to give you a little look how a rough (emphasis on "rough") shading looks like. Check the bottom-right-corner part. One is the blown-up version and the other one resized back to 100%. It's not enough to give clothing a sort of texture. A texture won't make your character look 3d-ish. You'll need shading. And that is completely missing in your sprite.
I don't want to pull you down, I just think it's really time that somebody tells you what you should improve. All of your sprites are following the same pattern, the character's left arm is always hanging down and looking like it's sticking out, just to name one example.
btw, when I saw the sprite, I thought of this:
![[Image: 166694.jpg]](http://www.artdesignportal.com/images/ad-portal-imagebase/produktbilder/fixed/00000166/166694.jpg)