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Who is stronger: Julian or Firzen?
(06-05-2009, 09:48 PM)KadajNoir Wrote:  Oh my! You can't say x is stronger than y
because both have advantages and disadvantages.

You can only ask:

- who is better against multiple enemies?
- Who has the higher chance of winning in a julianVSfirzen (both human) battle?
- Who is the harder enemy?
No result, because it depends on your fighting style and the char you use.
Any other answer is wrong.

I agree with KadajNoir that you can't exactly say who of this 2 characters is stronger... They got great powers both.
Even if Julian get close to Firzen he can still beat him cus he hit so fast(faster than any other character in LF2), but it depends(Julian can beat him too)...
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KadajNoir Wrote:Oh my! You can't say x is stronger than y

Why not? If it would be from an objective point of view, we (with "we" I mean all of us replying here) couldn't, but at this is subjective and the answer depends on the person replying, we should be able to do that.

Or maybe I'm taking your post too serious :D

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Julian don't need to get close to defeat anyone. He is also superpowerful at all range. Firzen can't block his soulbomb. Even he uses his cannon julian keeps doing soulbombs and firzen will be blasted. The chasing skulls he does when someone is close range is pretty powerful as much as firzen's disaster same damadge for both. It uses only 5 mp per skull. Clearly julian has more endurance. Firzen MP depletes fast because of his moves. julian don't need to defend because of his armor. julian don't always run close up to you and use a bigbang he use soulbombs more. It can't be defended and breaks stuffs (I hate that when my milk is broken so i carry it in stage 5).
[Image: illidansig1.png]
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(06-06-2009, 07:30 AM)WoodySmasher Wrote:  Firzen can't block his soulbomb. Even he uses his cannon julian keeps doing soulbombs and firzen will be blasted.
No one can block his soul bomb, but EVERYONE can dodge it by simply walking to the side.

If Julian keeps doing soul bomb whilst Firzen is firing his cannon continuously, it depends on the distance between Julian and Firzen.

1) If they are within close-mid range, Firzen will definitely lose as both soul bombs can run through Firzen, and may even explode on Firzen.

2) At mid-long range and further, the first soul bomb would take in a lot of damage, and then explode before it can reach Firzen, causing the soul bomb that is behind to take damage as well, making it easier to explode. Then none of the soul bombs can hit Firzen. Furthermore, the further the soul bomb travels, whether it hits any objects in the way or not, it will be easier and easier to destroy.

Obviously, a good Firzen wouldn't be so stupid to use Firzen Cannon against Julian in the first place, unless he is trying to shoot off some skull blast spamming (if Julian is directly infront of him) or if Julian's armor/defense is broken or if he is shooting the soul bombs at long distances. It'd a waste of mana.

(06-05-2009, 09:48 PM)KadajNoir Wrote:  Oh my! You can't say x is stronger than y
because both have advantages and disadvantages.
Not a good argument.

It is true that everything has its advantages and disadvantages, but to compare whether one is indeed stronger than the other, we're ultimately comparing the overall ability rather than just on individual parts of the character.

For example, compare Julian and Bandit.

Now, you can straight away say that Julian is stronger right? Then I argue: "Bandit can do that cheap never-ending Jump Attack combo with the victim locked in a dance of pain state! Julian can't do that even with his skull blast, it'd make the victim fall down!" Yes, perhaps that is something that the Bandit can do while Julian can't, an advantage that Bandit has over Julian, but look at how Julian's other advantages outweigh Bandit's other advantages, as well as Julian's fewer or less glaring disadvantages compared to Bandit. How can you not say that Julian is stronger than Bandit?

However, in this case of Firzen and Julian, I have shown in my previous post that Julian and Firzen are very distinct characters, yet they have equal overall ability.
[Image: uMSShyX.png]
Steiner v3.00 (outdated), Challenge Stage v1.51
Luigi's Easier Data-Editor, A-Man's Sprite Mirrorer
Working on the LF2 Rebalance mod.
Avatar styled by: prince_freeza
Thanks given by: snorsorbet , Drahcir
(06-06-2009, 07:30 AM)WoodySmasher Wrote:  Julian don't need to get close to defeat anyone. He is also superpowerful at all range. Firzen can't block his soulbomb. Even he uses his cannon julian keeps doing soulbombs and firzen will be blasted. The chasing skulls he does when someone is close range is pretty powerful as much as firzen's disaster same damadge for both. It uses only 5 mp per skull. Clearly julian has more endurance. Firzen MP depletes fast because of his moves. julian don't need to defend because of his armor. julian don't always run close up to you and use a bigbang he use soulbombs more. It can't be defended and breaks stuffs (I hate that when my milk is broken so i carry it in stage 5).

What you are talking about is a match between julian and firzen. And you forget the most important thing, firzen does not have not block anything, he owns with his speed.

For those who know Dragonball Z....
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Duh i only said a com player battle a good player can win with firzen against julian.
[Image: illidansig1.png]
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i cant really say wich one is better. i think they r just different strong but not stronger then the other u know?^^
its like this:
in stages firzen is a harder oppenent i think because there r many COMs and when firzen uses his special move everyone in his range will burn because of someone next to him.
in survival stage julian is a harder opponent because normally u r the only opponent for him and his D>A-attacks just follow u. he can also concentrate just at u so his soul bombs r a dangerous attack too.
and in 1 vs 1 (PvP) its difficult... there r 2 options.
EITHER julian will spam with his D>As and will use his explosion in the right moment, so firzen will die.
OR firzen will own him (D^A (p.e. x3) + D>J). then even julian will nearly be dead.
but i like firzen more then julian because of his cool fire-ice-moves. i think they look better then julians violett moves
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It's Julian
because Julian has more moves + uses less mp and it's still more effective in damage
Firzen has only 3 moves still effective uses lots of mp but the good part is he refills his mp fast
Julian has a Dense hard body and firzen doesn't
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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.lfr   Julian won.lfr (Size: 10.03 KB / Downloads: 103)

.lfr   f1.lfr (Size: 9.98 KB / Downloads: 79)

.lfr   j2.lfr (Size: 9.99 KB / Downloads: 83)

.lfr   F 2 now weapons.lfr (Size: 9.99 KB / Downloads: 83)

.lfr   F3 noweapons.lfr (Size: 10.14 KB / Downloads: 72)
mm . well if we only talk about com players. then it pretty randomly which will win. the attachments i gave just to prove they win randomly.
the com pick up weapons at wrong time ya know, so i destroyied the weapons.

about Human players. if u wanna know take 2 players at same level lets them fight & see the result .that a reasonable way to see which is stronger.
firzen nuke(>>JA aaa+D^J) combo that k.o in 8 seconds.

while Julian column combo near the wall killer slower and limited only near the wall.

Julian aromr make him comfortable(atleast for me) to attack cause u dash and land right on him and instantly start punching.

btw firzen remind of SSJ Gogeta & firen remind of goku cause of his clothing.I prefer Firzen over Julian for that cause. i like to get firzen only by using fusion with teamate freeze while being firen.

please dont assault me with flaming comments k?
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Quote:Oh my! You can't say x is stronger than y
* is stronger than *

Julian is Julian just because of his skulls, without them he is shi*t.
Taking +- no mp, hard to evade and each damaging as Dennis's chase ball makes him strong enough to be better. He was simply made to be stronger.
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