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[solved] Fully time stop
(07-05-2009, 03:18 PM)Someone else Wrote:  If its type 0 yes if its type 3 then no.

Nave is right only type 0 stops itself.

(07-05-2009, 11:30 AM)TheNave Wrote:  huh, whatyatalking about? indefinite timestop with vrest: 1? >>only t0 objects are stuck in a frame with a low vrest<<, on t3 objects it works fine, but if you'd use vrest 50 the enemys could move from time to time...

So he meant t0=itr-object, not the hit one...

But i think that can't be right... If things like Henry's Super Arrow hit multiple enemies, the arrow itself is stucked, too, though it is a T3.
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Yep but not in the same frame. Try downloading azriels blue skin (from the mainsite) and go into battle mode and choose 250 knights. Use his arrow and look as is still animated = stuck but not in the same frame on position.
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Then i learned something new today...

But in case you want a MOVING slowdown zone you will need my technique XD
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Here, how 'bout this:
The character opoints a t3 object that sends out more large, fast-moving t3s with ik0, fall:0 and bdefend:0 in both directions, i.e. one t3 per frame, in alternating directions. (Think sonic waves.) But make sure they are large and move fast, so as not to bust the object limit.
You'll probably want to have state 18 on said t3s, and have the first one follow you via either weapon pick up or ik8.
Also, use effect:5 or you'll get a rather epic noise.

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(07-05-2009, 07:49 PM)Drahcir Wrote:  Here, how 'bout this:
The character opoints a t3 object that sends out more large, fast-moving t3s with ik0, fall:0 and bdefend:0 in both directions, i.e. one t3 per frame, in alternating directions. (Think sonic waves.) But make sure they are large and move fast, so as not to bust the object limit.
You'll probably want to have state 18 on said t3s, and have the first one follow you via either weapon pick up or ik8.
Also, use effect:5 or you'll get a rather epic noise.

Same i have written above on page 1 already... besides you don't need MOVING objects, static ones with a huge itr will deal same...
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fall: 0 & bdefend: 0 are the same as fall: 20 & bdefend: 16, so don't use it like that :P use fall: -1 & bdefend: -1
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The thing about using moving objects is that you can stop it at any time,and it won't affect you.

@Nave: Thanks for the notice. Although you may want to hit everyone with massive fall: afterwards, cuz otherwise they'll not react to attacks at ALL.

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Grand Fonic Hymn - Orchestral Arrangement. Arranged by me. I promise it's not horribad.
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Great ideas but i want to stop everyone frends and enemies only my char are normal. And when time stop is on you can hit enemies but they dont move to injured fame.
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(07-06-2009, 01:31 PM)Hax0r Wrote:  Great ideas but i want to stop everyone frends and enemies only my char are normal. And when time stop is on you can hit enemies but they dont move to injured fame.

(07-04-2009, 08:39 PM)Alblaka Wrote:  The effect itself:
The move creates a T3-Object.
This object runs with a timer (hit_a, hit_d) and spawns continously another T3-object every frame
That object has a huge itr (to affect everything), a vrest: 50 (or higher), injury: 0 (or higher if you want to cause damage), fall: -1 and effect: 5. Also it has to use state: 18.
The move will completely stop any movement of all objects on the field, weapons may broke and enemies won't go to injured-frames if you hit them ^^

NFC on that point, but:

If you want your char NOT be stopped, but everyone else you have to make it a bit more different:
After your char does this move, he goes into a special stance (without body) where you can only "move" by pressing A, D or J (or combination) to perform specific moves. If you don't use any bodys in that stance (and the moves which will lead to the stance again after they are done) your char won't be affected by the time slowdown (and he won't be hurt by ANYTHING XD).

Btw: Kinda same move i planned already for the new char of mine (which i will finish after vacation). The char can control time etcetc and so (of course) one of his hellmoves is stopping time and then teleporting around, attacking enemies and healing allies.
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OR give all char special Bdy that will react with timestop while your char didn't have that special bdy
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