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Apoc's Sprites
^ That's right, thanks for answering :p

I didn't feel like spriting in these weeks... but just finished this as a request from Angel Adam, he wanted an original version of his rep char or something. I changed the green color to a yellow since... I kinda like how it looks with the rest.

[Image: angeladam2.png]
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OMG man this sprites are amazing i can say are the best i ever seen!!! I dont have words 2 explain man!?!?!?
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LutiChris asked for a remake of his repchar too, not 100% pleased with out it came out, but whatever (Btw, I often add things to get the desing more original or, to my like, when I do chars remakes)

[Image: 46757722.png]
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whats that grey thing on his ear?
not one of your best works (can i say that?)
it almost looks like you used one of your other chars as a base?
sorry, but i dont like it too much
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Headphones, and yeah, I think the same. But didn't used another base.
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Umm... not really what i expected...
Here is what u didn't know... or add...
His hair is long so it covers his ears...
And his hair is supposed to be spikey on one side (like Henry)
good job but still kinda dissapointed... :(
the skin color looks as though he's dead... but i don't blam ya on that cause mine looks the same... :P
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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I guess I didn't really wanted to do it, I always come with bad tries if I do that. In any other case like this (when atleast more than two people think is bad or something) I usually redo the sprite, but this time... meh.

Instead I will update the thread with a new female sprite, Rose:

[Image: rose.png]
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Awesomeness at its best. Seriously, the sprite looks amazing! Nothing more to add.
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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Yeah that sprite is awesome, but I think her shoes should be seen just a little bit...
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Dude, Awesome... augh drat* i need a new word than u guys keep saying the same thing... -_-
She's swell, very sexy and appealing...
I don't think she needs shoes, feet would be fine cause girls have long dresses, past their feet...
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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