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Crashing LF2.exe
Got this idea a while ago and Marshall just reminded me of it. So I'm going to try and Compile a list of everything that causes LF2 to crash. It'll be kinda like a tutorial. Here is what I have so far:

Things that can cause LF2.exe to crash:

1. Too many objects in play at once. {Game will crash without any warning}
2. Missing files(sound/data/pictures) {while loading, gives out an error message, tells which file is expected}
3. Missing files(Background) {see #2}
4. Transformation from a type: 0 to another type without a small pic.
5. Color settings(?) {had no problems playing 16-bit @ 24bit and vice versa}
6. Synchronization Error(online)
7. Over 100 data files. {loads properly, crashes when selecting random, going into a certain direction in the char menu, starting a match}
8. No weapons {the exe lets random weapons fall down at random positions at random times, as soon as it wants to create a weapon, it'll crash}
9. Trying to play stage mode without a stage data.
10. Battle mode without all of the subordinates. {see #1}
11. Pressing "Reset Random" while using only a few main character ids. {see #1}
12. Frame numbers > 399 {Crashes or causes problems}
13. Really long frame names.
14. Whatever Nanaya did in Tsukihime that caused it to crash when you used DJ(?)
15. Removing pics with the Reshacker
16. Missing data/temporary/control texts.
17. Having more than two phases the same width in stage (?)
18. No characters (?)
19. itr/kind: 8 with a negative dvx: value(like dvx: -200)
20. No broken weapon(?)
21. A ball that goes to a frame with hit_Fa: 4/7 without going to a frame with another hit_Fa first. {see #1}
22. Walking/Running_frame_rate 0
23. Unclosed tags like "cpoint" instead of "cpoint:"
24. Huge amount of tags in one frame {crashes occasionaly while loading}
25. Backgrounds with more than 30 layers {crashes while loading, displays broken_weapon.dat as the file being currently loaded}
26. Memory allocation problems aka. too many other applications opened {crashes before or while loading and gives the user an alert window containing some memory addresses}
27. Not having a C++ environment installed (LF2 2.0 only!), go >here< to download it

I intend to go into a little more detail on each one, but right now I just wanted to get a list.
The question mark means i'm not 100% sure that it works, but I intend to check it out.
These were the only things I could think of off of the top of my head(too many "of"s), so if anyone knows of any that I can add, please post here! ^_^
Thanks given by: Electric2Shock
23. Change anything in lf2.exe with a hex editor into something random.

Pretty sure something HAS to be screwed up then.
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thats one way silva works out his modifications - hes lucky like that

edit: 21. was my downfall for a loong time
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So it is true. [/kiddin]


so it is true? I've never known that's a way to find out stuff.

Oh well. It seems nearly all of the possibilites to crash LF2 HAVE been posted, I guess...
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DON Giovanni Wrote:so it is true? I've never known that's a way to find out stuff.
Oh yes, you can jack up the exe so much, and it still doesn't crash. Own experience^^
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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number 12. isnt really a glitch because i us that in my game alot and i havent had a problem i had to remove them because of something i had to do oh and this froze my lf2,when i used a move that would send the opponent hit my object to caughtact: 1000 when they were turned around and it tryed cartching them my lf2 froze.
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Oh god what a cold topic. :)

How about 24: Hibernating your laptop / computer for a few hours?

After I did that to my laptop the LF2 screen was blank when I turned my laptop back on.
Founder of the Hoods.

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KyuubiNaruto(FKN) Wrote:number 12. isnt really a glitch because i us that in my game alot and i havent had a problem
So... I guess, you mean things like next: 999/1000...
But a character cannot have more than 400 frames, otherwise random bugs appear...

RectumHoward Wrote:How about 24: Hibernating your laptop / computer for a few hours?
How about a number 23 first? :p
Anyways, this all deals with changing data, not what exactly you do with your computer because it depends on the OS and hardware. And usually, everybody has some different equipment...
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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I just found something... I was experimenting with the catching (using mark), and when I tried it out, lf2 couldn't load mark, it just stopped when it tried to load mark. Maybe that isn't to crash the exe, dunno, but I thought that it might belong here. Here's the code for the frames I was using:

<frame> 248 lol
   pic: 60  state: 9  wait: 5  next: 249  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 42  centery: 79  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
  sound: data\015.wav
      kind: 1  x: 40  y: 16  w: 25  h: 65  
      catchingact: 249 249  caughtact: 183 183  
      kind: 1  x: 75  y: 65  weaponact: 20  attacking: 0  cover: 1  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0
      kind: 0  x: 19  y: 15  w: 28  h: 65

<frame> 249 lol
   pic: 62  state: 9  wait: 5  next: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 39  centery: 79  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 1  x: 38  y: 8
      vaction: 131  throwvz: -842150451  hurtable: 1 throwinjury: -842150451 decrease: 7
      kind: 1  x: 75  y: 65  weaponact: 35  attacking: 0  cover: 1  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0
      kind: 0  x: 19  y: 15  w: 28  h: 65

<frame> 250 lol
   pic: 25  state: 9  wait: 5  next: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 39  centery: 79  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 1  x: 38  y: 8
      vaction: 131  throwvz: -842150451  hurtable: 1 throwinjury: -842150451 decrease: 7
      kind: 1  x: 75  y: 65  weaponact: 35  attacking: 0  cover: 1  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0
      kind: 0  x: 19  y: 15  w: 28  h: 65

maybe that helped...
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snorsorbet Wrote:
      kind: 1  x: 38  y: 8
      vaction: 131  throwvz: -842150451  hurtable: 1 throwinjury: -842150451 decrease: 7
your cpoints are missing the :
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