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Rate Avatar/ Signature Game
Avatar: OMFG! He has no avatar!!!1 Apocalypse is near!
Signature: 9.7/10 that truly is awesome!
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ava 9/10 nice :) its from bleach, right?
sig: 8/10 the second sig pulls it down lol. i dont get why you had to use such a crappy "font" and put it in such a weird spoiler-like thingy.
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Weird but OK. 8/10
Chocolate rocks. 7/10
Age ratings for movies and games (and similar) have never been a good idea.
One can learn a lot from reinventing wheels.
An unsound argument is not the same as an invalid one.
volatile in C++ does not mean thread-safe.
Do not make APIs unnecessarily asynchronous.
Make C++ operator > again
Trump is an idiot.
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ava 8/10 nice animation, but a bit boring for my taste :P
sig 7/10 the moving spoiler is annyoing me a bit and opera is immune against rickroll :P (you can simply close the site)
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7/10 is it (?) drunk or what??
6/10 too musch colors for me.
Sorry. ;p
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ava 9/10 the skull is awesome.
sig 7/10 nice projects, but nothing-saying pics
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ava 9/10 lol i like it, kinda copying ramond though, so -1 for that
sig 7/10 its ok, new smiley, random pictures, text too bright, argh my eyes! plus a little jealous of the chocolate fact
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ava 9.5/10 cause ive seen it somewhere before
sig 7.5/10 quite the standart, try to make it look more unique^^

btw: ramond told me to make this ava :P
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9/10 a zombie hunter!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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lol it isnt a zombie Xd

ava 8/10 edges are too clear, not that detailed. but i like the style :)
sig 7/10 nothing changed, so...
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