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Alectric's later sprites
just some stuff i've made recently, that i wanna show you guys
[Image: awesomem.png][Image: zunef.png][Image: wuht.png][Image: experminet.gif][Image: freezenwewcopy.png][Image: guyq.png][Image: secret.png][Image: spiderd.png][Image: whutlolcopy.png]

its been quiet the last few weeks, and i havent shown some of my work off in a while, so voila!
well, in the last few months, i've had little time to sprite, but that hasnt stopped me. my time is mainly occupied in school, and doing some jobs for other members.
some of these sprites im not happy with, but meh.

critique if you want, i wont change much/anything

p.s im not gonna explain each char, unless you really find it essential to your personal existence.

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i especially like the 5th guy i wish you make him into a real char some day.
oh and that 6th guys looks like alectric like i say "you like ur coats man.."
"I'm the president of the shadow government
The grand governor of the federal reserve
Public enemy of the society
The one you cannot see the thirty three degree"
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OMG wow...that is soooooo freakin awesome man...
i wish i was the 1st one to congratz u on making epic spriting... :P
man i wish i was as talented as u... (no joke i'm still an amateur)
my favorite would be the 1st, 5th, and 6th
and yeah i do agree with Freeza on this, u should make either one chars... ;)
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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#4 sparta awesome!!
I like the cable guy and the evil spider-riding dude the most!!
Keep it up! :D
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Quote:[Image: experminet.gif]
Yay, Christmas tree :D!

I especially love the 2nd one. That exact same guy had always kept me up all night until I was 7.
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You have:
  • very good skills at stances.
  • very good skills at shading.
  • very good skills at imagination. (sounds silly, lol)
  • very nice sprites.

And you don't have... fans.
That's terrible.
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(11-13-2009, 07:18 PM)Simoneon Wrote:  And you don't have... fans.

More like you have a alot of fans!! (like me lol)

And now it is time for the Rx's short every image,DC work or anything else of that s*** spoiler! (Click to View)
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(11-13-2009, 07:18 PM)Simoneon Wrote:  And you don't have... fans.
That's terrible.

Dude, wow...
i bet he lots of fans, and secret admirer's... :P lol
anyways...keep it up
Simoneon u pretty much said everything that i didn't say before... D:
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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ill put a quick explanation of each char.

1st. a sprite i did ages ago, sorta meant to be like a mage. (no name yet)

2nd. i call him 'Zune' (no reason really) and i've already done the sprite sheets for him, and given him a few moves. He's pretty over powered at the moment. Meant to be a boss

3rd. Zune's stance

4th. an experiment that has escaped, and managed to break free (he is a little skinny i know, i wanted to add some shininess to him, so he's technically not complete) and he'll use those cables as arm like things, kinda like Doc Oc (spider man)

5th. A younger version of Freeze i made for Phil.

6th. just a guy i made...(secret sorta) i made a better version of him, but im not gonna show him...yet :D

7th. he's a secret (hahahahahahaha) enjoy!

8th. the lord/god of spiders, hence he rides on top of one. I might make him into a char soon, so keep an eye out ;)

9th. Just a weird chic that floats around with her insane dress. I was planning on making her a boss in my Lf2, but i just need to fix things up, and sprite the rest of her.

anything else?
Thanks given by: 8obis
Aletric, those sprite are freaking awesome.
I like how you make your sprite cause they are skinny then the original.
Keep up your work, well no improve your work to MAX and rube it at Apoc's face, (which might happen one day.)
I am back, not really.
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