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(02-23-2010, 09:10 PM)TheNave Wrote:  Teacher: Now this pupils, this is a socalled sqare
[Image: shape-triangle.gif]
...with 6 borders.

3 on the inside, 3 on the ouside.
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well, i think the first slue is given.
who hasnt been active in the past 24 hours? they will have special roles surely.

I am Duck.

@maths, i just had a double line of maths, using integral functions, and the area beneath the curve and all that jazz :P i dont like calculus much, but at least its kinda easy to understand.
@prime numbers, i havent done prime numbers since 5th (or possibly 4th) grade, and thus, i can barely remember anything about them :p im in 12th grade.
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Alec in 12th grade?
I hate definite integrals.
Indefinite integrals are better.

Did you know that ((6 ^ 96) - 1) is divisible by 97?
And that ((1001 ^ 8) - 1) is divisible by 20?
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^no, i dont care :P

yeah, we had to do definite integrals...luckily they are pretty easy, even though kept missing the integration step :P
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(02-22-2010, 11:24 PM)TheNave Wrote:  ah, it started finally... and I got the role which I hoped to get, yay...

I bet that Nave will die first because of what he said, and if he doesn't then we a got a mafia member here. Sorry for saying this Nave but you did say your self.
I am back, not really.
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@Math: We were last doing algebra and we'll soon begin studying quadratic equations, so... well. But no primes. Ask the goverment why.
Anyway, can't we get this game going?
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- Mr. Spock
"A man's not dead while his name is still spoken"
- Terry Pratchett, Going Postal
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^have you done long division o polynomials yet?
quadratics are fun Twisted

yeah, hurry up and die people!
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Hmm Alec hope you have a nice last school year,,,

AARGH. Desperate to accuse some Mafia...
Hiding users' signatures and avatars was the best decision ever.
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Right now I ended doing polynomials.
Okay blow_fly who do you think is in the mafia, I think its Nave.
I am back, not really.
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even though i am a civilian i suspect Elias is trying to trick us by saying he has nothing to do with mafia by convicting Nave as a mafia member therefore he must be in the mafia... :P
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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