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I don't think we should give a shoot at LutiChris unless we have no other alternative, since killing people you aren't convinced being mafia for the heck of it is just plain stupid. I think I will wait some time before I decide upon something, though; I must give the others time to post too.
So yeah, for now I'll unaccuse SirFrog.

TITLE: a idea
make cave for bear?
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yeah, but killing lutichris who might be innocent is still alot better than killing an innocent person who's smart

obviously jokin'...
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well actually bp you only got accused by me and then in another instand i changed my accusing. As far as I remember ofc.
like i said couple of times before my dear hacker, at this time of the game random accusing is the only way. We have no clues, no pads and no helmet ... erm.. I should stop listening to simple plan while writing.. anyways, we have no clues only a sort of semi-theory which lacks just everything. So its better than nothing but nearly nothing. So if you still accuse me put my name in bold, cause in the moment I am feeling pretty much human (judging from my feelings and urges) so suspicious cat won't do.
soo most of you are on the train to kill luti right? (hope i got that right) As far as I remember his behaviour was truely one of a newcomer, so I am not sure if we can judge him just like that. I am still staying on my previous vote for naruto and now I will wait what time brings.
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
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Quote:obviously jokin'...
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Oh wow people, you want to kill my best friend that is just mean okay.
I suggest that we stop accusing people and saying to kill Luti will make them think to kill some one else and leave all the horrible players behind.
For real we only need to wait cause if this was a real game (I mean in personal) than it would be much easier and we can't judge people by thee posts.
I am back, not really.
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now I'm for Elias and Luti to kill... like both of them
and naruto...
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Fine if that you chose than be it, I'm not going to argue and I'm not using the phsyc.
I just want to end the argument that all, for real only one kill and we got our heads messed up.
I am back, not really.
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duh, for me it's like 100% sure that we'll kill an innocent person this day round, it's almost impossible to randomly guess a mafia member out of nowhere without any clues... so yeah, and then it's better to kill an innocent stupid guy than an innocent high intelligent guy
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Okay what if the mafia have no clue who is smart or dump, and guessed that blow_fly was smart so I suggest not to tell who is dump or smart.
I am back, not really.
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Elias Wrote:Okay what if the mafia have no clue who is smart or dump
Then it'd mean you were picked as mafia.
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