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Translate me!
I am a damn beaucoup of the hills.

Včeraj sem bil zelo pijan.
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Zchorus'j seems bill-zero pee Jan.

Jie vairuoja lėtai, bet sugeba stebuklingai atsitrenkti į medį.
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DIE VARIOUS O.J. LETTERS, but sugarbay steps boo-clean guy at seat. Trend thinks I made it.

Morgen kaufe ich mir wahrscheinlich ein Hemd.
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More then cool dich mierdoas wafflewaffle limbeis humps.

Ožys prieš ožką ožius rodo.
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Ozzy is priest of car. Ozzy rodeo!

Ich habe eine Zimmerpflanze.
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Itchy have in Zimmerplane.
Walah Yokansy ksnhgu, ampun dah...
[Image: abstractdaad.png]
Graphic Stuff|Tania|Indo Fighter|Sprites|Comics|
News of my days: My graphics skills will go better. Eventually...
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DUH WHAT?!?! Only European languages... (god I'll do pinyin)

Voila! You can say Pingu, apron day.
Ni de ma ma jiao she me?
Hiding users' signatures and avatars was the best decision ever.
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Need a mother just seems....??
di' shjvec le muach oin dah...
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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die Shiva ist viel oder da? (The shiva is much or there?)

Hat Lauli nun dieses Hemd oder hatte er nicht genug Geld um es sich zu kaufen?

^Have Fun
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lauli...(something)... a shirt or doesn't have enough money to buy it himself?

Tämä ON eurooppalaista kieltä!

@below: can we add the correct translations after somebody has tried to?
Just waiting for the audio tags to become a thing
>My other musical "masterpieces"<
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