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You know saying safe the sheriff is stupid, because here what willhappen
Everyone says to safe the sheriff=> mafia than tries to kill someone else=> later mafia tries to kill the sheriff and so we loss a valuable guy.
I am back, not really.
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then out of the blue, EVIL DUCK APPEARS
Blue Phoenix Used face palm.
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Facepalm .....
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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How about this?
Doctor saves himself (Snor).
Trapper traps the Sheriff's apartment. (Jerkington, stay in tonight.)

@Ramond: But wait, if the trapper traps the Sheriff's apartment, and the Sheriff tries to check somebody, will he fall into the Trapper's traps and die?
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- Terry Pratchett, Going Postal
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I don't think so. That'd be pretty sad.

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just listen to phil doctor -.-'
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^ The trapper kills anybody who enters the trapped room (in this priority order: Mafia > Vigilante > Doctor > Sheriff)

The trapper does NOT kill a doctor who protects himself (as he doesn't "leave" and "enter" his room).

Yes, several people can die in one night.
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Divisor Wrote:Totally.
One down, two and Evil Sonidow more to go.
Apparently someone is scared that he might be discovered and now tries to kill citizens.
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i think its pretty epic that you people are discussing some strategies concerning use of doctor and trapper abilities in the public. Mafia can read that you know Facepalm
@koala: yea you realized it too late...
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
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gosh, whoever needs so long.... HURRY UP!!!!!
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
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